Mute Virgil x Deaf Roman

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Warning- Singular curse-word, mute and deaf characters written by someone who is neither, mention of having PTSD

Soulmate, human au

Roman's POV-

Soulmates... What an interesting concept. I mean, we are all born with a sentence on our wrist. The first things our soulmate will say. But, some of us will never hear those words. Because, some of us, can't hear anything.

Like me, Roman Prince. I am the son of two Broadway actors, and yet still cursed by being deaf. I mean of all the people to have a deaf son, it had to have been my dads. One is known for mostly composing, while the other does only acting. I'm often told by them about the wonders of music, but I will never know.

But, I digress. The problem is, I could meet my soulmate 1,000 times, and I may never know, because I couldn't hear them say, "Excuse me? Can you help me?" as my arm promises they will.

This really sucks for someone so romantic like me.

Virgil's POV-

"What do you need?" This cursed phrase will ring forever in my memory. I've listened to it translated into every language, to make sure I don't miss it, no matter who says it, because even if they can't understand me, I want to understand them.

If you don't know, I can't speak. I haven't since I was five. I only speak through sign language or written text, due to my PTSD.

So, that means that my soulmate will have to know sign language...

Roman's POV-

One of my dads, Patton, comes in and wakes me up.

"Roman," He signs, "You have to go to the library today. You volunteered to do that thing with those kids, remember? You were going to teach them some signs, and tell a story to the deaf kids."

I nod, "Ok, let me get dressed." I sign, before he leaves.

After getting dressed a walk downstairs and see my other father, Logan.

"Hello son." He signs. "I made breakfast, but please hurry. You don't want to be late."

"I won't." I promise. "Actually, I'm going to skip breakfast, sorry."

"It's ok."

I walk out the door and head to the library.

I honestly hate my job. Because my dads are famous, and I'm deaf, I was raised to be an advocate for people who are hard-of-hearing. So I often will go, teach people some signs by showing them a written word, then displaying the sign, and I will sign a speech to a room full of hard-of-hearing people to inspire them or something. It's really boring, but it's better than nothing. Once I finish college I hope to be a costume designer for plays and musicals. Until then, I might as well make my dads happy.

I when I get to the library, I take out a notepad so I can speak to the librarian.

"Hello ma'am, My name is Roman Prince. I am here for my presentation for the children today." I write before handing it to her.

"Alright, my name is Eleanor. We begin in 45 minutes. You may go to the children's section to choose a book. Do you need anything for your presentation?"

"I'm good. Thank you!"

"My pleasure." She smiles.

I wave good-bye and go find a small book to read to them. I eventually decide on a book about a prince fighting a dragon, one of my favorite things to read as a kid.

After I grab the book I realize I still have 40 minutes. I go to look at books for myself while I wait.

Virgil's POV-

"Dammit!" I think. "I have a test tomorrow!" 

I'm in college trying to become a prop technician for theatre. That means I need to know some engineering, and I have a test for that, tomorrow... And I haven't studied.

I run to the library, hoping I can find a book or two that I can speed read.

When I get there I quickly realize that I have no clue where to look. I see a tall, attractive man scanning the shelves. Maybe he can help.

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns.

"Excuse me? Can you help me?" I sign.

He seems shocked, but quickly signs back. "What do you need?"

"I need books on either theatre or engineering."

"That's quite a variety." He signs, giggling slightly.

"I'm in school to build props for theatrical performances, and I have a test tomorrow, and I forgot to study."

"Follow me." He signs before walking off.

Me, being short, can hardly keep up. When he stops I sign to him, "Slow it down! Some of aren't blessed with height."


"It's ok." I think before asking, "I'm sorry if this is rude, but how do you know ASL?"

"I'm deaf, you?"

"I'm sorry for asking. I'm mute." 

"It's cool. I'm just glad I don't have to write everything out."

I laugh, "Same."

"If I may, what's is the phrase on your wrist?"

"What do you need?" I respond. "Yours?"

"Excuse me? Can you help me?"

"So we're soulmates?" We sign at the same time.

He pulls a notepad out of his back pocket and writes something. "Here, text me."

"Thanks, what's your name?"

"Roman Prince."

"Virgil Storm"

"Well my knight, I must go." He signs, before grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Good-by my prince." I respond, before he walks off.

I guess I shouldn't have worried at all.

Well, there's my trash, unedited one-shot! This is serving as my thing for Virgil's b-day, so enjoy it (a day late). Please consider voting and commenting, and I'll see you next chapter! BYE!

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