Kind of a Preference

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So the preference is, he told you to dress up as the thing he loved most.

Logan- You dressed up as a jar of Crofters (or if you wanted to be extra fun, you dressed up as a pie, and said you were "Crofters Pi") If you did the first one, he would say "It's adorable, but very impractical, although you managed to blend two of my favorite things seamlessly, so I must applaud you.". If you did the second one, he would say, "As much as I dislike puns, I must admit, although it is overused, the Pi pun was clever. You also managed to incorporate all three of my favorite things in one, math, Crofters, and you."

Patton- You dressed up as either a cat or dog. First, he'd compliment your appearance with a pun, relating to your animal. Secondly, he'd give you a kiss on the cheek and/or a hug. Next, he'd say "Although, I'm not so sure why you dressed up, sweetie. I mean, you're already my favorite thing!" You'd blush, and he'd give you a hug, then you'd probably cuddle.

Roman- You dressed up as a Disney character. He sees you and said, "My dear, you know you didn't have to dress up as royalty to be my (prince/princess/royal)." You then start to sing the various songs sung by that character. Then he demands a Disney marathon, where you sing even more than normal.

Virgil- You didn't know how to dress up as music, so you decided to do a white outfit, with musical notes written all over it. When he sees you he gets confused and says, "What are you supposed to be again? 'Cause, like, no offence or anything, but I was imagining, something darker, or maybe even remotely creepy." "Well," You explain, "I know how much you love music, so I decided to just do music." "Well, I guess that's ok." He responds, not wanting to admit defeat. "So, what if I didn't wear this costume, what would you think I'd wear." "I mean, honestly (Y/n), you could wear any costume, and you'd be the thing I loved most." "You sure?" He nods in response. "Even if I dressed up as Janus?" "Well, that wouldn't be the costume I'd chose for you. I'd choose for you to be my (boyfriend/girlfriend/datefriend/preferred term)."

Janus- (This is a human au, so this isn't weird.) You decided to dress up as your boyfriend's favorite animal, a snake. "What a subtle costume, (Y/n)." He says, rolling his eyes. "I could never guess what you decided to be." "Oh, shut up!" You say elbowing him. "So, you decided to go as....hmmmm....let me guess.....Me?" You shake your head, silently agreeing to play his game. "You?" You shake your head again. "Ohh, that's a shame! That's the thing I actually love the most!" You chuckle, then you realize that he wasn't joking, "Wait, you're serious?" "Why would I not be?" He smiles. "I love you too, Janus." You say before he gives you a strong kiss. Let's just say, you two didn't stop for a while....

Remus- (Note- I'm awful with Remus, so I apologize) You decided to dress up as a character from Just Like Heaven, because you know of his attachment to the movie. "Why, how do you look so amazing!" He says, when he first sees you. "Possibly because I am a character from your favorite movie." "No, no that's not it! Say, why don't you take off your costume?" "Uhh, why?" "So, I can get an answer on how you look so marvelous." You shrug. You're used to Remus saying things like this, so you do as he says. "Now, that's what I love most." He says, gesturing to you. You blush, it's not often you get genuine, sweet compliments like that from Remus. It's usually something very inappropriate.

Emile- You dressed up as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch! "OH MY GOSH!! YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!!!" Emile screams when you show him. "Thanks dear, but you're kinda hurting my ears with the screaming." "Oh, sorry!" "It's ok. So, you like the costume?" "Well, of course! I mean, as long as you're happy I love everything you do!" "Aww, thanks Em!" "No need to thank me, I mean, I was just talking about how amazing you are. All I'm doing is stating facts, my love." "I love you so much, Emile." You say hugging him. "I love you too, sunshine." After cuddling for a while he asked, "So, would you want to watch a movie?" You nod. "Which one?" "Lilo and Stitch." "Ok." He said. He kisses you on the top of the head before turning on the movie.

Remy- What else would you dress up as, besides a nice cup of Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Depression™! When you show him your costume he says, "Well, you've already messed up babe." You frown, thinking he doesn't like it. "You know I like iced coffee, and I'm afraid, sweetheart, that you are too hot for that!" He says with his normal confident smirk. You giggle, and blush. Your boyfriend says these sort of things all the time, and they never get old. "Although, I will say, between the coffee, insomnia, and you, I never get any sleep, so I guess you got the similarity of keeping me up all night." This only made you blush darker. "Another similarity, is that I like my coffee sweet, and you are as sweet as they come." "Remy, please stop, you're killing me with these pick-up lines!" "Sorry, babe, but it's all true. Now, why don't we cuddle, and take a nap?" You nod before quickly changing out of your costume into some pajamas and lying next to your boyfriend on the couch. It's not long before you're both snoring...

So, that was my first preference for this book! Do you want me to do more? I was thinking maybe a preference about his jealousy levels, and what he does when he's jealous? What do you think?

Anyways, please consider voting, commenting, and requesting! I'll see you all next chapter!

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