Coming out to Dad Patton

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This is written for trans-masculine people, so if you are trans-female I apologize! Although you could possibly read it as a trans-female,  you just need to substitute things. Same thing for Non-Binary pals! Also, I use she/her at the beginning for the reader, so you can change that if desired.

Warnings- coming out, deadnaming (before you come out), misgendering (again before you come out

Patton's POV- Human au (you are Patton and Logan's kid, Virgil and Roman are your siblings, (so no shipping in this chapter, other than Logicallity))

I litter Logan's face with kisses. "I love you!"

"I love you too Patton."

I stayed in our bed cuddling, talking about little things to pass the time, until...

Knock, Knock, Knock.

We slowly pull apart. "Yes? Come in!" I call. I see (deadname) peak her head in.

"Hey, Pop, can I speak to you in private?" She seems so nervous.

"Logan, would you mind?" I ask.

"Certainly, I should go make dinner anyways." He leans down and gives me a kiss before walking out the door, and shutting it behind him.

"What's wrong kiddo?" I ask slightly worried.

"Well, um, do you, do you know what trans means?" 

I already know where this is going, they are coming out to me. "No, I don't, could you explain it to me?" I lie. 

"So, basically, I was born in the wrong body. I'm a guy in a girl's body." (or if you're non-binary. I don't feel like either male or female./My gender changes, I can be a girl one day, then nothing, then everything! or if you're trans female, I'm a girl in a guy's body. (or insert your own))

"I see. Ok, so you're a boy (or whatever you identify as), right?"


"Ok, so you use (pronouns), right?" They nod. "Ok, do you have a new name?"

"Yes, my name is (Y/n)."

"That is the most amazing name I ever heard!" I say, and they blush. "Why don't I see about taking you to get new clothes tomorrow?" They light up and nod vigorously. "Is there anything else you need?"

"(insert desired transition items)"

"I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, I want you to talk to a therapist that specializes in trans kids, ok? That can help deal with your dysphoria, and if you ever want to medically transition they can approve you for it."

"Ok, I'll try to talk to them."

"Do you want to tell your brothers?"

They nod. 

"Ok, I have an idea, but I want to make sure you're ok with it." I whisper to them an idea.

They light up and excitedly nod.

-after dinner-

I walk into the living room to get (Y/n). "Come with me." They nod and follow me into the kitchen. It's a big cake with rainbow frosting. 

"It's so cool, but um, hate to break it to  you, but everyone here is some form of gay. Rainbow won't tell them anything. I guarantee you that when Roman sees this he will ask if it's June already."

"I know, but when you cut it open it's the trans flag, and little blue beads will fall out (if female pink or if you're NB then grey or yellow).

"I love it!"

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Ready as I can  be." I grab their hand and squeeze it before grabbing the cake and bringing it to the dining room table.

"Logan, Virgil, Roman, we have a surprise for you!" 

This got Roman sprinting down the stairs almost running into the cake. Virgil and Logan were down shortly after.

"Why do we have a cake?" Virgil asked.

"Is it Pride month already? I'm not even prepared!" Roman said.

"No, that can't be the reason, it's September. Also, it's no one's birthday... Why is it here then?" Logan asked.

"Well, our kiddo here has something to say!" I smiled, and let them take it away.

"Is there something wrong (deadname)?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, if you don't want to tell us you don't have to." Virgil said.

"It's perfectly fine." Roman said. "But do we still get cake?" He added in a whisper. In response to which Virgil elbowed him in the side. 

"It's ok, you can do this." I whisper to them.

They take a deep breath and cut a huge slice of cake, which allowed them to see both the flag and the beads.

"That's the trans flag, correct?" Logan asked. (Y/n) nodded.

"Wait, you're trans?" Virgil asked. (Y/n) nodded again.

"Ok. So, name and pronouns?" Roman asked.

(Y/n) repeated what they told me earlier.

"I'm so proud of you!" I say as I give them a hug.

"As am I." Logan said, before joining.

"That was brave (Y/n), braver than the noblest knights!" Roman said as he hugged the group.

"Yeah, good job (bro/sis/sib)." Virgil admitted before hugging everyone.

"Well I'd hate to ruin the hug fest, but the cake isn't going to eat itself!"

"I second that!"

"I suppose you're right about that." 

"Help yourselves kiddos!"

"I guess I'll have some."

I want to apologize in advance. I am in love with trans au's, so I may overdo them (see my Hamilton  One-Shot book for reference). I will try to keep them to a minimum, however if I have an idea I will use it. I currently have ideas  for five different trans au chapters (however one is more of my sides, who much like me is trans, interacting with a classic side). I absolutely love Non-binary Logan Au's, Agender Remy Au's, and recently Genderfluid Roman Au's (although I love all trans au's). Please consider voting, commenting, or requesting and I'll see you next chapter!

Also- A Little Remus thing popped into my head today....

Remus- Do you want to know why people are called d!cks?

Remus- Because they're being cocky.....

Okay, good-bye! Sorry for mentally scarring you...

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