More Incorrect Quotes?

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All of my incorrect quotes I've posted on my message board involving Sanders Sides as of 3/15/22.

Remus- Yay! Cannibalism!


Remus- Yay! Violence!


L- *trying to explain something* Do you know what famine is?

Ro- Fish!

Ro- Now, wait that's salmon...


Re- Janus is Patron's favorite... and Orange is the fans' favorite... And I'm the middle child... Just chilling...

Thomas- What Harry Potter Character are you?

Patton- *tries to speak*

Roman- *interrupts* Patton is Neville, but like Chamber of Secrets Neville, Logan is Hermione, I'm Harry, obviously, and Virgil is a dementor.

Virgil- No I'm not! I'd have to be a lifeless soul-sucking ghost who wears nothing but black all the time!

Roman- And that's you!


Thomas- What would you say if you were told that you would die within 24 hours? 

Patton- I LOVE YOU! 

Virgil- About time! 

Remus- Well, could we speed this up then? Think of it as my dying wish. 

Janus- I'm going to haunt the sh!t out of you as a ghost. 

Roman- *dramatically faints*

Logan- *prepares things such as financials, funeral arrangements, and his will*


Remus- Hey, Lolo?

Logan- Yes

Remus- Kiss me!

Logan, holding in a smirk- Why?

Remus- For research...

Logan, playfully sighs- Well, I guess that can't hurt, can it? *kisses Remus's cheek*


Virgil- You've been doing WHAT for research?

Remus- Not "what", who, silly! He's been doing me.

Virgil- What kind of research have you two been doing?

Logan- We've been studying attraction, if it wasn't obvious.


*Remus is convincing Thomas to do stupid sh!t*

Remus- Hey, I know your problem. You have Logan in your head.

Thomas- Logan?

Remus- Yeah. I get one too sometimes, "Remus you can't!" "Remus, you're gonna die." "Remus, don't put that in your mouth."

Remus- Tommy, it's simple. Don't listen to stupid Logan!

Thomas- Why is it specifically Logan?

Remus- It doesn't matter. Sometimes it's Janus, sometimes Virgil, sometimes Patton. I just thought of Logan.

Remus- Whoever it is, shut them up. Say, "Silenzio Logan."

Thomas- "Silenzio Logan."

Remus- Louder! "Silenzio Logan."

Thomas- "Silenzio Logan."

Remus- "Silenzio Logan."

Thomas- "Silenzio Logan."

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