Dad Patton helps my anxiety

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Warnings- Cursing (censored), periods, and dysphoria mentions

Note- I have a name for my Anxiety, but I will not reveal their name yet, because, suspense!

"'Sup mini-me?" Virgil asks, as he turns on my bedroom light to wake me up.

As I wake a notice my stomach hurt. I didn't want to move, why would I want to talk now. I do anyways, "Not much, especially considering, that you just woke me up! Without the aid of music, might I add!" What?! If you want me to wake up, try playing Meant To Be Yours or something! Maybe then I won't be so bad.

"Well, sorry! It's noon, you should have been up at least two hours ago! You should probably go eat something. I hope you don't mind lunch for your breakfast." He jokes.

I sigh, "Yeah, ok. Could you close the door so I can get dressed?"

Virgil nods and closes the door as he walks out.

I sit up in my bed. I don't want to move. I'm tired, and my stomach hurts. After a few minutes of telling myself to get up, I finally do. I grab my headphones, connect them to my phone, and put my playlist on shuffle. Between getting dressed, and singing The Pitiful Children, I start thinking about why my stomach would be hurting. As I realize why, my dysphoria kicks in, due to the topic. I quickly shove all of those thoughts into the back of my brain. 'I can't think about that!' I think. 'That's a problem for me tomorrow!

The day goes on like normal, plus me trying to hide my stomach pains, being 10x more tired than usual, and constantly having to distract myself from my dysphoria.

The next day-

I am awaken at 8:30 in the morning. Virgil opened the door and turned the lights on. He must have listened to my request of music, because Roman came in behind him singing Carrying the Banner from Newsies. Both standing in the door frame, Virgil looked smug with his arms crossed across his chest, Roman was getting way to into the song, and didn't even notice I was up. That was until I threw a pillow at him while he was singing the nuns' part, which made him shriek.

"Thank you so much for the kind wake up." I roll my eyes.

"Jeez, did you steal Janus's sass?" Virgil said.

"What? Are you jealous?" I joke.

"Whatever, junior. Why don't you get dressed? I heard Patton had some plans today, something about taking you to the fair, or whatever."

"Oh, cool! Sounds like fun!" I say before they leave. I get my clothes together and go to the bathroom to get ready.

Then I realize...."Sh!t!"

 I get dressed quickly so I can run to my room. I try to locate my pads. I decided to hide them, because none of Layne's sides were ready to tell that they were biologically female. Unfortunately, the mind is weird. Layne can make us pass, so they can feel less insecure, however his mind only lets him do so much. I mean, we were able to change our appearance from Layne's so we pass as male, however we couldn't do things like have a flat chest, have a lower voice, or stop our periods... So basically, we can pass, but we still can get dysphoria.  I mean we're doing better than they are. He can't even cut their hair shorter! Meanwhile, we actually look like cis boys. Well, that is, with some voice training, and binders, and such. After search every corner of my room, and every bag, I finally find one. Unfortunately, one will not bring me through the day, let alone the rest of it.

In a panic, I call every one of Layne's sides. No one could give me any! Either they didn't answer, or were currently using them. I decide that I can use this one, and sneak out to buy some later.

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