Genderbend Logince

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Roman's genderbent name is Rowan. Logan's genderbent name is Lola. Patton's genderbent name is Paisley. Virgil's genderbent name is Virginia. Janus's genderbent name is Janice. Remus's genderbent name is Rachel. Emile's genderbent name is Emilie. Remy's genderbent name is Remi.

Also, here's how the family is, Janice is Virginia and Remi's oldest sister, then Virginia is the second oldest leaving Remi the youngest (two years younger than Virginia, and three younger than Janice). Paisley is Rachel and Rowan's older sister (Janice's age). Then Lola is Emilie's older sister. Rachel, Rowan, Lola, and Virginia are all the same age. Emilie is Remi's age.

Janice and Paisley are dating. Emilie and Remi like each other but are too scared to tell each other. Rachel and Virginia are best friends.

I have no clue what of this is important, so it's there!

Rowan's POV

"Paisley, why can't you take him for a walk?" I ask her as she is putting her shoes on. She had asked me to walk her Goldendoodle puppy for her. 

"Because Ro, I am going on a date with Janice."

"Ok, fine, Rachel!" I call.

 I see my twin sister half fall down the stairs. "Yes?"

"Will you take Tomathy for a walk?"

"No, I am going to a party with Virginia."

"Sorry kiddo,  but you're the only one who isn't busy." Paisley shrugs.

"Uggh! Fine, but you owe me!" I groan.

"Alright, Rowan." Paisley hides a laugh. "Also Rachel, remember your curfew is 10:30. You're already on the edge of being grounded, so please be careful."

Seeing as it was a Saturday and I had no plans, I was still in a nightgown, despite it being 5 PM. I go upstairs and put on some light skinny jeans with a lacy, red open shoulder top. I pull my hair up into a half braid crown before throwing on some quick make-up. Some gold eyeshadow black winged eyeliner and some red lipstick should be fine. After observing my appearance in the mirror I decide I look alright and put on my black ankle boots before grabbing our dog's leash and waling out the door.

 After observing my appearance in the mirror I decide I look alright and put on my black ankle boots before grabbing our dog's leash and waling out the door

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(Quick sketch of what Rowan is wearing)

Like usual, I'm just casually listening to my music, maybe mouthing the words, or acting out the lyrics, or dancing.

 We just walked through the park, and then I saw a girl with almost black hair, a little above shoulder length, which  was pulled back by a small black ribbon. She's wearing a back mid-sleeve shirt, black leggings and a blue skirt.

 She's wearing a back mid-sleeve shirt, black leggings and a blue skirt

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