Analogical- I won't say I'm in love

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So, this is a music one-shot. I do these a little different, I will usually don't put the song in order, or even the entire song. I just use a lot of the lines in the song.

Third person

Warnings- Remus wanting to make music with Hercules and Hades

"Everyone, may I have your attention please?" Roman called. He was standing on the coffee table in the living room surrounded by buckets of popcorn and cups with assorted drinks. "Tonight is the glorious movie night, and seeing as it is my turn to choose, I have chosen the Disney movie Hercules!"

"Hercules? Hunny, you mean HUNK-ulese! I'd like to make some sweet music with his instrument." Remus called.

"Mythologically based entertainment? This can't be too dreadful, why not?" Logan says.

"Why do I need to watch this?" Virgil asked.

"Because the villain is the Greek god of death."

"Now, death I can get into."

Patton comes in wearing a dog onesie. "Who's ready for a 'paw'-some movie?!" He asks asks he grabs a cup of hot chocolate.

"Good, now we can start!" Roman said.

"No! Dee isn't here yet!" Remus said.

"Fine," Roman said. "You're lucky I'm being nice right now."

After a while Janus, finally showed up, they started the movie. It was a pretty normal movie night. Roman singing everything. He was literally being the muses. Virgil absolutely loved Hades. Patton making jokes the entire time. Logan was correcting the movie every five seconds, because "When a movie doesn't even spell the main character's name properly, then that is a problem." Also, he's a major Percy Jackson fan, so he has researched so much Greek mythology and it's kinda become an obsession. Once Remus saw Hades he immediately started to changed his mind from making music with Hercules to the blue haired god of death. Deceit stayed quiet. 

The movie was great, but Virgil got tired very quickly. He started to fall asleep during the fighting montage in zero to hero. He leaned his head on Logan's shoulder, and slowly fell asleep. When Virgil's head made contact with his shoulder Logan blushed like crazy. It only took 5 minutes after Virgil fell asleep before he could no longer stand it.

"I apologize for leaving early, but our king of darkness here, needs to be taken to his bed." Logan said in a half whisper, before picking up Virgil and taking him to his bed. Logan then crawled in with him and fell asleep next to him.

-The Next Morning-

Virgil wakes up and notices Logan lying next to him. He panics and rushes out of his room to the kitchen.

"Well, hello Hot Topic. How'd did you sleep?" Roman said half bitterly. He then turns from his plate of pancakes and looks at Virgil, seeing the blush on his face. "What's with the blush? Someone steal your heart?" 

"What? No! Definitely not! I don't have a heart to be stolen."

"Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'?"

"No man is worth this aggravation. Besides, love is ancient history, everyone has been there done that! I'm don't want to cry my heart out!"

"Dude, you can't conceal it. I know how ya feel. You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, uh-oh! Baby, I'm not buying! Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up? Give up, give in, check the grin, you're in love! Read my lips, you're in love!"

"Get off my case, I won't say it, no, no! No chance, no way! I won't say I'm in love. At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love!"

Meanwhile, back in Virgil's room-

Logan wakes up, wonder where he is. Then he remembers taking Virgil to bed last night, and sleeping next to him. He notices Virgil is gone. He worries that Virgil panicked and ran out this morning, because he didn't reciprocate his feelings. This was a matter of the heart, so who better to go to than the embodiment of heart Patton.

I walk to his room and knock on the door. "Come in!" He calls. I walk in. "Hey, Logan! You look a little upset, is something wrong?"

"So, as you may recall, I took Virgil to his room after he fell asleep on my shoulder last night."

"Yeah, I remember! You two kiddos are adorable!"

"I'm going to ignore that last remark. Well, I may have slept next to him last night, so now I'm terrified, because when I got up he was gone. I don't think he feels the same."

"He's the Earth and Heaven to you. Try to keep it hidden, kiddo, I can see right through you. You keep on denying, who you are and how you're feeling. When, ya gonna own up that ya got, got got it bad? Check the grin you're in love! Logan, don't be proud, it's ok you're in love."

"No chance! No way! I won't say it, no, no! You're way off base! I won't say it! It's too cliché! I won't say, I'm in love!

"Just tell him, I'm sure it'll work out fine."

Logan nods, "I'll try my best."

Logan goes downstairs to see a blushing Virgil saying, "At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love."

"In love with who, exactly?" Logan asks.

"N-n-no-no one!" He says blushing 10x darker.

"Are you sure?" He asks stepping closer. He puts his hand on Virgil's arm, and whispers in his ear, "Not even me, because I certainly love you."

Virgil could have died right then. His soul had already left his body. Once Logan pulled away, Virgil kissed him, hard. He felt his soul re-enter his body. He felt lightning shoot through their lips, moving outward to every other part of his body. When they break apart Virgil says, "Only to you, I'll admit, I'm in love."

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