Amnesia- Janus x Remus

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Note- If it is in italics, it is a lie!

Warnings- Mentions of suicide attempts, flatlining and overdosing. Hospitals, amnesia, lying, and threats.

Janus POV- Regular Au

I sit next to my boyfriend's bed waiting for him to awake. It's been three days, and he has had no sign of consciousness. He flatlined twice yesterday, I'm worried he won't make it.

After four hours of losing hope, I see him slowly open his eyes.

"Remus?" I walk over to him.

"Where am I?" He asked.

I can't lie to him. If he has amnesia, like Logan suspects, then I could change everything about him. I could make him hate me, if I say the wrong thing. "You're in the hosspital."

"Why am I here?"

Remember that thing about not lying to him? Yeah, that's now a lie! What? You expect me to tell him that he overdosed, trying to commit suicide? Yeah, I don't think so. "Nothing important."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Janussss. I'm your boyfriend. You're name is Remusss."

"I have a boyfriend! You are very cute, especially with the snake face!" He grinned.

"Well, thank you my dear. There's a few thingsss you need to know, ok?" He nods in response. "We are ssidesss of sssomeone's perssonality. Hiss name iss Thomassss Ssandersssss. We each repressent ssomething different. Logan is logic, Virgil is anxiety, Patton is morality, and you and your twin brother Roman are creativity."

"And what do you represent? Snakes?"

I chuckle. "No, love. Don't worry about me."

"Why are there two creativities? Also, if this 'Roman' guy is my twin, why isn't he here? Doesn't he care?"

I went pale. I quickly thought of a lie. "Thomasss is a creator, sssso he needss double the creativity. As for Roman, he just left to get you a pressssent. I'll go get him." I left the room and went right to Roman.

When I saw him I backed him against the wall, gripping onto his shirt so he can't escape. "Roman Creativity Ssssanderss, do you know what you did to your brother?" I hissed at him.

Roman, too scared to speak, shook his head.

"You picked on him sssso much that he decided to attempt sssuicide."

"So, Thomas is better without him!"

I punched him in the face. "Do not sssay that about my boyfriend! He has been in a coma for three days. He hass flatlined multiple times, but he iss awake now. I'm telling him a little about hiss life, and he wantsss to ssssee you. I want to make thiss very clear, sssso are you lisstening?"


"Good. You are not to tell him, what I represssent, that we are dark sssidess, the otherss opinionss of usss, that you causssed thiss, or what he representssss, undersstand?"

He nods again.

"Now, if you follow these rulesssss, I may let you live. However, thiss doesss not mean for you're off the hook for what you did to him."

"How do I know that you're telling the truth?"

"Do you think I lie about Remusssss?"


I set him down. "He's in the hosspital. Oh, alssso, he'sss expecting you to bring him a gift, ssso you better sssummon sssomething quick."

He nods again, before I go back to the room Remus is in.

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