Don't Call Me Kiddo

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This is short, but I hope you like it! Also, not edited! Sorry! I didn't have time!

Warnings- Age-regression (not a kink), stress, 

Logan's POV-

My mind has been frantic. So much to do, so little time. This is the tenth report I've had to write today, each being at least three pages long. Tomorrow, we have the new schedule, in addition to editing two videos. It's been one thing after another, and I'm stressed and tired. A voice in the back of my head calls out to me, wanting to curl up on the bed with some stuffed animals and watch Wild Kratts or Octonauts.

No, I tell myself. I need to finish this, then make sure that no one will bother me before I do that.

I type the words slower, and slower, constantly backtracking because with me slipping, my spelling and grammar gets worse. 

I continue this struggle for about 30 minutes, until I hear a faint, but rapid, knock, knock, knock, knock.

I compose myself, and say, "Yes, Patton?" Trying to keep my voice steady.

He enters, wearing his normal grin. "Hey, Logan! I just came to say that I just made some delicious chocolate chip cookies for you, if you're interested."

I go starry eyed thinking about the cookies. I shake my head, Logan, no. you need to finish this last report, then you can sneak a cookie. "I'm sorry Patton, but I must finish this report, then I need to review the new schedule for tomorrow. I must keep a consistent sleep schedule."

"Oh, ok." Patton said, looking down. "But you should probably go to sleep, kiddo."

Now, usually, him calling me 'Kiddo', doesn't do anything, however with me fighting off going little, it wasn't good. I knew I was about to fully regress, so I yelled at him. "Patton, go! Leave my room! Now!" I pointed to the door. I knew it hurt him, but he did as I said.

Soon I was only 5. I realized that Patton was hurt, and started to cry. I went to my closet and grabbed my penguin stuffie. 

I must have been crying pretty loud because Patton came in. He saw me sitting on the bed, squeezing my penguin.

He sat in front of me and stroked my hair, "Hey, kiddo, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"You was feewing bad." I manage through light sobs.

"That's nothing to worry about, little one." He reassures.

"Why you feel bad?"

"Someone was doing too much, and it made them feel bad, so they got mad and yelled at me. I thought they were mad at me, but really they just needed rest."

"Oh, I sowwy."

"Why are you apologizing, love?"

"You felt bad, but you didn't need to. They didn't need to yell. They is stupid! They is weally stupid for being mad at you!"

"Now, now, let's not call people stupid. You are right that them being mad doesn't mean that they should have yelled at me, but they had a lot on their mind. They didn't think about it, and I know they didn't mean to hurt me."

"So, yous otay?" I look up, no longer sobbing, but gentle tears still ran down my face.

"Yes, I'm ok. Now, how old are you?" He asks with a smile.

I hold up five fingers.

"Ok, little one. Now, how would you like a cookie?"

I nod my head vigorously, "Can I has chocolate milk, too?"

"Anything you want, Lolo."

I smile and clap my hands, "Thank you!"

"Of course, kiddo."

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