Ask the Sides

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So far no one has sent in any questions for the side so I shall ask them things.

To Janus and Logan- How does it feel sharing the only brain cell?

Logan- Falsehood, humans have approximately 86 billion neurons, and technically since we are all parts of Thomas's brain we would have roughly the same amount each.

Janus- Thanks for the biology lesson Calculator. I'll say it's totally not exhausting.

For Emile- Mental health tips?

Emile- Do not overwork yourself! You are amazing! You are loved! You are wonderful! Don't forget that! Take care of yourself, please. Listen to yourself, if you need a break take one. There's no shame in asking for help. Number one rule for confidence, fake it 'til you make it. Now, listen to me, take a deep breath, in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7, out through your mouth for 8, repeat at least twice, drink some water, if you haven't ate go make yourself a sandwich, maybe listen to some music, and most importantly smile! Whether or not you believe it, know you are loved!

Me- You do realize I am not going to do any of that.

Emile- *Sighs* It was worth a shot!

To Virgil- Halloween plans?

Virgil- Just the usual. Scaring the life out of everyone with Remus, dressing up, watching a movie or two.

To Remy- I have been staying up until 3 every morning! Please help me! 

Remy- Ummm, no! You have your own "Sleep" go ask them, ok? Bye babes, see you at noon tomorrow!

To the twins- Is it true you are both bottoms?

Roman- *blushes* WHAT?! NO! How dare you!

Remus- Yep! Janus is really good...

Roman- Fine, you might be but I'm not!

Janus- I haven't heard you and Virgil. You totally aren't. *Rolls eyes*

To Patton- First, I want dad support. Second puppies or Kittens?

Patton- Ok! You are awesome! I'm so proud of you! I don't care who you are, I have now adopted you! If you ever need to talk I'm always here! I can and will support you in every way possible! *blows kiss* Love ya!

Patton- Also, you can't make me choose!

Remy - Favorite kind of coffee?

Remy- Uhh, Yes!

Layne- What is your favorite ship and favorite character?

Me- *Looks panickedly between fanarts of all the ships* Well, I ship just about anything when it comes to Sanders sides. Why don't I just make an entire chapter about my opinions on ships? That'll be a whole lot easier.

Me- Favorite character can honestly depend on my mood. Usually when I get really into something my comfort characters are sourced from that thing. For now, my focus is on Sanders Sides. Different sides comfort me in different ways. Roman is a character I go to for confidence. When I'm feeling all bubbly and happy (and honestly childish), I'll usually have Emile or Patton. Remy (or maybe Janus) is usually my character when I'm feeling sassy. Then Virgil and Logan are just about every other time. Weird thing I did notice though, I seem to prefer Virgil, Logan, and Roman on my more masculine days, and Remy, Janus, Patton, and Emile on my more agender days, mostly. Also, I do love Remus as well. I was kinda talking about comfort characters, and he just, is not one to me. Remus, though is usually not my favorite, however he does have his moments (mostly because of Forbidden Fruit).

To everyone- If you could choose, what would be your last words?

Patton- "I love you!"

Roman- I'd say something adventurous and cool, so that no one would forget me.

Logan- "I shall now discover the answer to one of life's greatest mysteries, death."

Virgil- "Finally, glad that's over with!"


Virgil- *rolls eyes*

Janus- "That wasn't fun."


Virgil- *Tearing up with happiness* Can I change my answer?

Patton- Virgil, Remus, no. Please, no...

Emile- "*Insert cartoon quote, because I don't know any good ones about death*"

Remy- "Bye, babes!" Or, "Do they have coffee in hell? Because if not, then I'm not going to die." Or I'll steal Remus's...

Me- I don't know what I'm going to do in the next 15 minutes and you're asking me what I would say if I was about to die? I have no idea.....

*Also, I'm only doing my sides that you've met*

My logic- I would reveal all of my knowledge that I haven't shared yet, so that I could help influence the future of scientific exploration.

My creativity- Ha! Nerd! I would develop an elaborate mystery novel like scavenger hunt years before I die. Then my last words would reveal the fact that the scavenger hunt determines who gets what with my possessions, and they would also contain the first clue. So then, all my friends, and family would be tested on how much they know about me to get my possessions. This would probably also contain a Kahoot or something at my funeral, where the winner got another clue. In the end though, it would more depend on my friends and family working together to get my things. I would want my death to bring people together, not hurt them! Also, I love the idea of being the center of a modern Nancy Drew story!

My anxiety- And you call *Logic's name has been removed for reasons* a nerd! That was dramatic even for you! I'd either yell, "Bye!" and give a peace sign, or say Virgil's original answer. Although, let's be honest, you really think that I wouldn't immediately come back and haunt the life out of my homophobic and transphobic family, and use my ghost powers to give all my friends the absolute best luck, while also occasionally pranking them, then you're wrong!

Virgil- He's got the right idea! Nice going kid.

My anxiety- Don't call me that. 

Well, that's it! I have nothing else to say, so..... Please consider voting, commenting and requesting, and I'll see you in the next chapter!!

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