Chapter 16

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You wake up alone in an unfamiliar room. It takes a few seconds, but Nat's scent on your pillow reminds you you stayed in her room after the briefing last night. Her bathroom door opens, and she walks in, hair still wet.

"Morning." She smiles at you, leaning on the door frame. "There is a queue of people waiting for your attention today."

"Business as usual, normal service has resumed," you mumble to yourself with a sigh.

"I told them they had to wait." She sits on the edge of the bed beside you. "Wanda is worried about you," her expression tells you that Wanda isn't the only one to worry.

"Me? I'm fine, I heal remember. " You smile at her as she looks at you with concern in her eyes.

"Apparently that's not what your head said last night" She sighs "I was ordered to find you and protect you, that's why Wanda and I were on the roof that night but you, this... it was never a mission. "

"Sort of sounds like one." You look down at the bed.

"No." She places her hand on your cheek. "This is hard for me, but I swear to you, it is real."

"Hard?" You don't understand.

"Love is for children. It's a weakness. Where I was raised, that's what we were taught. " There's a sadness to her eyes that makes your stomach knot,"and girls were never really my thing. "

"The only life I remember was in a lab or a cell." You offer her a gentle smile. "I didn't even know people were my thing."

She lets out a soft laugh and places her forehead against yours. Before either of you can say anything else, there's a soft knock on the door, and Peter enters.

"OMG, I am so sorry," he spins, so his back is to you, clearly uncomfortable. "Mr Stark wanted me to tell you that he needs Y/N as soon as she's awake..."

"We'll work this out together." Nat smiles at you as she stands, "She'll be down in a second Parker."

20 minutes later, you walk into the mission control room and take a seat opposite Tony and Bruce.

"I'll see you after training," Nat says, giving you a wave.

"Actually," Bruce interrupts as she heads to the door. "I think maybe you should stay."

You look over at Nat. Your confusion is mirrored on her face, but she takes a seat beside you.

"Alright kid I guess we owe you some answers" Tony looks at Bruce who nods his head "we've been testing your DNA, trying to profile it and work out where the hell your powers come from"

"The genetic markers are mostly natural as far as we can tell," Bruce continues. "For the most part, you were born with these powers."

"Mostly," your voice shakes. "What does that mean?"

"There are changes," Bruce responds with a shrug "alterations that have been made"

"Which means?" Nat stares at him across the table.

"Something was added." Tony raises his eyebrows at you, "or taken away, we're not exactly sure yet."

"It's interesting, though," Bruce adds, "you share a lot of markers with Wanda."

"You're saying we're related?" You question.

"No, not you," Bruce smiles, "but your powers. We told her this morning while you were sleeping. "

You nod your head, rising from your seat. You plan to find Wanda. If you share powers, it makes sense to keep training together.

"Y/N" Tony speaks to you, but his eyes are locked on Nat. "There's something else you should know."

You sit back down and feel Nat reaching for your hand under the table. You smile contently as you look over to Tony.

"Your DNA pulled up a match on a missing person database." he looks at you as you try to process the news.

"You know who I was?" You ask as he nods."I have a family?" Your voice breaks with the last words.

"Had." Tony looks away."They were killed when you disappeared. I'm sorry. Genuinely."

"When," you ask. You have regained your composure, staring at him with a blank expression.

"1995" Bruce answers your question, "You were 3 years old. The reason you remember nothing before HYDRA is that there isn't much to remember. "

"My whole life?" The question isn't directed at anyone, but Tony nods.

"Your name was Davies. Alexa Jayne Davies, AJ. You were born April 18th in Kent, England. You were the only child of Mary and William Davies." he lists the information for you, filling in blanks in your life.

"I need to go." You leave your seat quickly enough to knock it over. You don't wait for Nat, you don't look back.

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