Chapter 31

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The car pulls into a parking space. You remove your seat belt and reach behind the seat to grab your jacket. By the time you turn back around, Nat is opening your door, once again offering you her hand as she helps you to your feet.

She smiles as she holds your hand, guiding you towards the building across the parking lot. You both step inside, and she lets go of your hand, talking to the guy behind the desk before returning and handing you a pair of skates.

As the two of you step through a set of double doors, a blast of cold air hits you, and you shiver. Nat notices and removes her scarf, wrapping it around your neck before taking a seat and putting the skates she carries on. You join her, putting your own skates on before standing and following her to the edge of the rink.

You watch her open the gate and step onto the ice, gliding effortlessly as she pushes herself away from the edge. She turns back towards you, holding out her hand for you to join her. You place your right foot on the ice, a firm grip on the gate beside you. The gracefulness you have seen Natasha move with gives you a false sense of confidence, and as your left foot hits the ice, you push yourself towards her. Within seconds, you realise your mistake, feeling your foot slip beneath you, and land flat on your back.

"You've never skated?" Nat stands above you, her arm outstretched as you groan.

"Not much ice in my cell," you shrug casually as you take her hand, pulling yourself to your feet.

Your words were meant as a joke, but you see the pain behind her eyes.

"Hey, no, it's fine," you raise your hand to her cheek. "Maybe you could teach me,"

And just like that, with a smile, she grasps your other hand. Pushing herself backwards, she guides you around the ice, slow and unsteadily on your feet at first, but her firm grip gives you confidence, knowing she'll never let you fall.

As you skate together, you trade stories. She tells you about her time with Yelena as a child, the family she'd had, missions with Clint. You avoid mentioning Wanda but talk about your training with Peter and how much you've missed him being around. You laugh together, and it's a while before you realise, to everyone else on the ice, you look like any normal couple. The thought brings a smile to your face, but when Nat questions it, you just shake your head.

Eventually, Nat guides you to the edge of the ice. It's been a little over 90 minutes. You no longer feel the cold air, but your cheeks are rosy, and as she places her lips against them, you realise she is ice cold. You both change back into your own shoes before walking back into the warmer autumn air.

As you strap yourself back into the car, you realise you're not ready to return, suggesting a coffee stop along the way. Nat seems less keen, but after a little begging and pouting, she reluctantly agrees, pulling into the diner you had spotted on your way out this morning.

The bell rings as you open the door, holding Nat's hand casually. You pull her towards a booth. It isn't until you're seated that you look up and see a familiar face behind the counter. Laughing with another waitress, blonde hair framing her face, is the girl Nat had danced with at the Stark party the night Carol had arrived back at the compound. Your stomach knots, and you're almost certain it's briefly visible on your face.

As if she can feel your eyes on her, she looks up with a smile that quickly fades when she sees Nat. You watch her speak to the other girl, who glances over before making herself busy. The second girl heads to your table, taking your orders before heading back to the counter.

"Y/N, I'm sorry." Nat starts. "I tried not to bring you here,"

"No, honestly, it's fine," you shake your head. "I should have connected it, I just didn't realise,"

"We can leave if you want? I'll make hot chocolate at home?" The offer makes you smile.

"Nat, it really is fine." You reach across the table, taking her hand."She's just a girl from the diner," you add, echoing her words back to her.

There's a strange look on Nat's face as she settles back into her seat. You can tell she is thinking, but as you raise your eyebrows, she shakes her head and offers you a smile. The waitress returns with your drinks, and as she leaves, you ask Nat about her mission, the details of which seem rather unexciting.

As you both finish your drinks, Nat heads to the bathroom while you pull your wallet from your pocket, heading to the counter to pay. While your waitress rings up your bill, you see Nat's one-time date looking over at you. You give her a friendly smile as you hold out your hand, introducing yourself.

By the time Nat returns, you've apologised for how things turned out, and the two of you are laughing together as she recounts the story of Thor's love of karaoke to her friend.

The same look you saw earlier sits on Nat's face as you leave, and she drives you both home in silence, parking the car before walking through the compound and to the main staircase. You follow, worried you've somehow upset her and certain you're headed for an argument once you're both in your room.

To your surprise, Nat continues passed your door, her hand closing on Wanda's door knob. She enters without knocking, and you quicken your pace, hoping to try and calm the situation before anyone is hurt.

Before you manage even a few steps, a hand grabs your arm from behind. You turn to see Yelena, who shakes her head. Glancing back to Wanda's room, you realise the voices inside aren't raised and you can't hear anything breaking. With a sigh, you follow Yelena back downstairs.

In the kitchen, she opens a beer for each of you while you start emptying cupboards of snack foods.

"Natasha really cares about you." She sips her beer as she watches you.

"I know." You sit yourself at the counter beside her. "Don't worry, Clint already gave me the 'if you hurt her, I'll kill you' talk."

"Ha," her reaction confuses you "birdboy? You can take him blindfolded. "

You laugh at her words as you drink from your bottle.

"Seriously though," She continues. "If you hurt her..."

"I don't plan to." You reassure her with a shake of your head as you watch her nod, deep in thought.

"OK then." She breaks the silence, standing from her seat. "I guess you're my sister now."

To your surprise, she wraps her arms around you, enveloping you in a hug. As she eventually steps away, she helps you gather snacks, carrying them to the main room. The two of you choose a movie, setting it up and deciding to wait a little longer and see if Nat is joining you.

You're on your third beer by the time she enters the room, interrupting your laughter. She grabs you all a new drink from the kitchen before sitting herself next to you on the sofa. From the chair across the room, Yelena reaches for the remote.

"Wait for Wanda," Nat instructs.

You see Yelena raise her eyebrows at you as you hear Wanda's feet on the stairs. Nat taps your leg, motioning for you to move over and make space. You shift yourself closer to Nat, feeling her arm around your waist as you cuddle in. She hands Wanda a beer as she sits herself on your other side.

There is an uncertain smile on Wanda's face as Yelena starts the movie. You reach beside you, taking hold of Wanda's hand. You give a gentle, reassuring squeeze and feel her relax slightly beside you.

For the first time in a long time, as is usually the case with the calm before the storm, your world felt like everything was going to be OK.

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