~My, My~

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Mizuki's POV
I was back in my dorm talking with my friends Kia, Marcus and Michelle before a teacher walked in and asked why we weren't in class. I wasn't so good at lying anymore since I lived with the titans, but Kia was an expert when it came to lying.

"Well you see Mizuki here hasn't been feeling his best so as good friends we decided to stay here with him, since you know, We all share a dorm now" Kia said.

"That's right... My mistake, I forgot you four shared a dorm now since Koichi is back. Carry on and I hope you feel well soon Mister Koichi." The teacher replied and walked away.

"S-Since when did we all start sharing a dorm?" I asked.

"Since you disappeared, then reappeared and then disappeared once again" Michelle said crossing his arms.

I wanted to explain, but I suddenly felt vomit coming into my mouth so I had to run as fast as I could to the bathroom and throw up before it was too late. Luckily I wasn't late, but I was super late in shutting the door cause when I turned to wipe my mouth Kia, Marcus and Michelle where all standing there.

"G-Guys I can explain... Honest" I said, but when I went to get up Kia had me sit back down.

"K-Kyle told us... After you went missing Kyle told us that we had to find you because you can have kids however we didn't want to believe him... When he died though he had us call your father who is on a business trip in San Francisco who confirmed that you can have kids" Michelle said swallowing tears.

"You guys keep saying things about Kyle's death as in I should know what happened to him and the others, but I don't. Kyle is dead and so are the others. I want to know how they died" I said. This was my final straw with them thinking I know what happened and that I should be sad about it.

"Mizuki we promised-"

"Tell me now" I said cutting off Marcus

I then looked over at Kia who had sighed and said "Fine. While Kyle was driving back here with the others he had a beer and thought it was okay to drive, but... He sweared and was fine, but then out of nowhere a demon of some sort came and started to tear the others appart. It then realized Kyle was still alive and when he told us not to tell you how he died the demon grabbed him and tore him open from the legs up."

Caius's POV 
Something felt off and I didn't know what it was so, I asked Natsu if I could speak with E.N.D again.

"Sure he seemed pretty calm" Natsu replied.

He then summoned E.N.D and that is when I saw it, dried blood on the teeth and sharp nails. He is no legend who protects, he's a cold blooded killer like all other demons from the book of Zeref.

"Look I know this looks bad, but I can explain" E.N.D said twiddling his fingers

"Fine explain it then" I replied and sat down thinking that it might take a while.

"Thank you. First off please restrain from calling me a cold blooded killer, second is that I have blood on me, yes, but it's animal blood. Unlike other demons who feed on people I enjoy feeding on animals like how Igneel taught Natsu. It's just my diet and I really didn't have time to brush or wash this morning since we were in a rush. Lastly I also had to do extra hunting so I was exhausted since Natsu and Gray have a kid named Ashi, who is part dragon slayer" E.N.D said and finally stopped.

I was shocked that Natsu and Gray already have a kid and never bothered to tell me. I then became concerned on why they left the kid all alone.

"When did this baby happen?" I asked

"Well I kinda lost Gray over a waterfall and then he gave birth in a cave with bears" Natsu said.

"I was then brought to my guild, by our first master and Natsu's older brother who really didn't like the fact I hadn't slept for two days" Gray replied.

"No one liked that" Natsu said looking at Gray.

I had to laugh quietly because they already argued like a married couple.

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