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Kouichi's POV
I'm going to admit that both Gray and Natsu both have a lovely child. Ashi seemed very friendly minus his creepy smile when he said he tried to eat someone.

"Is Ashi a prince of some sort?" I asked Natsu.

"Yeah. He's the prince of dragons." Natsu replied holding Ashi.

"Papa look at the flowers!" Ashi screamed

"Ashi you have to be quiet. Mama is resting and you can't be too loud" Natsu said.

Ashi seemed to have understood, but his eyes told me something different.

I walked with Caius, who was holding Calvin to see his father, but we saw Ashi outside without Natsu. We decided to observe Ashi just to see what he'd do.

He was a very energetic kid and we watched as he ran around and around. His ability was a bit different than Natsu's and Gray's. He had the ability to make frozen fire.

"Ashi! Mama is awake" Natsu screamed.

I turned around and asked "What do you guys call Ashi's ability?"

"Huh? Oh his frozen fire... We really don't have a name for it. So we call it the 'Frozen Flame'" Natsu replied holding Ashi.

Caius and I both looked at what Ashi had done, but we really didn't know how to react when everything is frozen.

Calvin began to cry so I took him from Caius and walked back inside to feed him. I then overheard Gray talking about how dangerous it was for Ashi to use the 'Frozen Flame'.

"If he doesn't use his power he'll die of magic deficiency" Natsu said.

"Ashi has to be properly trained before he can use his ability. The fact it's fire and ice could put a serious strain on his body" Gray replied.

I know it was wrong to eavesdrop, but it sounded like Ashi was a danger to himself. How could someone so cute be a danger to themself though?

It didn't make any sense, but yet a Titan impregnated me and I'm a male. I even had a kid who was bigger than I was when I was born. I kept listening to see if there was any way to help.

"Ashi needs to go home" Gray said

"He tried to eat Elfman. I'm not letting a guild mate die from our kid. No.... never again. I've risked my life so many times for all of you" Natsu said and then it went quiet.

Natsu's POV
Never again was I going to have a friend be hurt or killed. For years I believed Lisanna was dead and that was one thing I couldn't handle.

"Natsu he needs to be returned" Gray said

"NO! He can't!" I cried.

I hated raising my voice, but that was the only way to get through to Gray. Ashi was our child and our responsibility. I couldn't push him onto the guild.

"I'll watch him till your better" I told Gray.

He nodded and held Ashi next to him. I saw how happy Ashi was with Gray and me, but my happiest moment is that I finally can be there when Gray has our new baby.

"Mama are you going to have a new baby?" Ashi asked.

"Why?" Gray asked confused.

"Cause papa's blood was purple" Ashi replied.

I explained to Gray that I tested our blood and that it came back purple which meant he was pregnant.

"Ashi do you think it's a sister or a brother?" Gray asked.

Ashi said in a cute voice "I want a baby sister"

I'm not sure that's how it actually works, but I'm glad he wants a baby sister.

"Can we come in?" Mizuki asked opening the door a bit.

"Sure come on in" I replied

Mizuki and Caius came walking in and asked if there was anything we preferred for dinner.

"Steak, potatoes, carrots and juice" Ashi said happily

Mizuki laughed a bit and said "Sure little one we can do that"

"Gray and I will have whatever is for dinner" I replied looking at Gray.

Gray nods and says "Just not the Karina fruit drink"

"We are not planning on serving that for dinner" Caius replied.

I looked at Ashi who had fallen asleep cuddling Gray's stomach.

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