~The Championship~

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Kouichi's POV
Well the Championship came faster then I really wanted it too, but I just hope that my baby can hang in there till the game is over.

"Mizuki! The team is ready to go!" Kia yelled.

I was so overwhelmed that I really didn't want to go, but I had to so the newbies could know who the hell is in charge of this team.

While we where leaving everyone stopped and said a prayer near the grave that marked where Kyle and the other team members have died. When it came to me all I really had to tell them is that I hope they would be watching this kick ass game because of the basket we'll win for them.

When I got on the bus I had realized I was wearing one of the shirts the Caius had marked with tracking magic. Caius would surely be able to find me as long as I keep this shirt on for the whole bus ride.

However a few minutes into the bus ride I was feeling very weak like everything had just been drained out of me. I wanted to ask Caius what was going on, but he wasn't there... The last thing I remember was the bus driver pulling over and Kia talking to someone on the phone.

When I woke up I was in a hospital room and Kia was sitting next to me along with Michelle and Marcus. The rest of the team went ahead and tried to get ready for the basketball game, but when I went to sit up Kia stopped me.

"Kouichi they said that whatever you do, it isn't safe to sit up so quickly" Kia said

"Kia I'm fine, I just passed out" I replied and sat up slowly

Michelle and Marcus where very quiet ever since they left their prayers near Kyle's headstone.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Y-You didn't pass out" Marcus said

"You had a stroke" Michelle replied.

I was shocked and remembered that Caius told me to be careful with how far I push myself when I visit cause the Karina fruit could still lead to a stroke even though it left my system. I began to cry and cover my eyes in shame and complete stupidity.

"C-Caius... H-He warned me" I mumbled through tears

"Kouichi who is Caius? You talk about him in your sleep, but never when you are awake" Kia replied.

I didn't even know where to begin or how to describe Caius till I heard a big thundering BOOM! in the sky.

Caius's POV
The tracking spell still seemed pretty affective considering there is no magic where Kouichi lives, but I did get an odd alert that he was in the hospital and I hoped to the god himself that he wasn't having our baby.

"Natsu open the portal now! And don't close it till I'm back with Kouichi" I commanded him.

"All right Caius" Natsu said and began the incantation to open the portal, however this was the first time a dragon slayer would have to keep the portal open this long.

"What happens if he can't?" Lucy asked

"Don't worry... Once a dragon slayer casts the incantation they are bound to that spot till the person returns" I replied and dropped some of E.N.D's blood on the circle giving me access to Kouichi's world.

Erza stopped me and asked "What happens if Gray wakes up and sees that Natsu is just sitting there? What the hell are we supposed to tell him?"

I sighed and said "Because of the Karina fruit, he'd be wise not to move so much. That fruit can cause more harm then a sword in the chest, but I'll be back as fast as I can".

Erza seemed to have taken my word for it and stepped aside letting me pass through the portal and safely to where Kouichi was. I walked into the strange place and asked where I could find Kouichi and surprisingly they told me where.

I knocked on the door just to make sure and then I heard "Caius!? Is that really you!?"

"Y-Yes" I replied and opened the door not expecting Kouichi to jump into my arms.

He wasn't only happy to see me, but he was crying. "What's wrong Kouichi?" I asked, but his grip got tighter around me and he whispered "I don't want to leave Eustil again".

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