~The goodbyes~

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Gray's POV
Even though I had recovered I had to stay in the medical room for a bit longer due to the fact Dragon slayer kids develop fast. I was snuggled in bed with Ashi and asked him what he wanted to name the baby.

"Rosa if a girl and Giddion if a boy" Ashi replied.

I smiled and asked "Where did you learn Spanish?"

"Grandpa Igneel" he replied.

Natsu froze and said "Honey your grandfathers are dead"

Ashi began to explain that when he falls asleep he can talk to Igneel and my parents as well.

"Woah" Both Natsu and I said in unison.

Caius heard about it and asked if he could do a test on him. I agreed along with Natsu, but Natsu had to go with him.

Caius tested the theory about if Ashi can see their dead parents while he sleeps. I sat in the room getting ultrasounds done almost everyday because of the baby.

Mizuki stayed with me during that time and even brought Calvin into the room with me to keep me company.

"So it's a baby girl" the nurse told me.

I was so thrilled that it was going to be a baby girl. I couldn't wait to tell Ashi.

When Natsu and Ashi walked back in Natsu told me that it was true that Ashi could communicate with our dead parents. I then took Ashi in my arms and kissed his head.

"Guess what Ashi. Mama is having a baby girl" I said.

Ashi got so excited he began to dance around and sing happily.

"Really!? Ashi what should we name her?" Natsu asked.

"Rosa!" Ashi replied really happy.

"Rosa it is" Natsu replied hugging our son.

I was so happy to see Ashi get excited over a new sibling that he asked if he could stay till his baby sister is born.

Natsu and I agreed, but he meant to ask if he could cuddle me. In the middle of the night I ended up in immense pain.

"Natsu!" I screamed then heard Natsu running towards my room and then broke down the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he grabbed my hand.

I began to cry and said "The baby! It's coming!".

Natsu yanked off my pants and said "You're going to have to push. Okay?".

I nodded and began to push which woke up Ashi who was laying on my stomach.

Natsu's POV
I needed Gray to keep pushing even though Ashi was laying on his stomach. I then noticed Ashi wake up from Gray pushing.

"Papa is mama okay?" Ashi asked.

"Mama is okay. Mama is just having Rosa" I replied helping Gray.

My hands where now covered in blood from Gray and the baby. I was honestly really scared and continued to help Gray with the baby.

"Love come on just one more push." I said and watched as Gray pushed more.

As soon as Gray stopped pushing the sweet sounds of a baby where heard. I was so happy I cleaned the baby and cut the cord.

"Ashi say 'Hello' to Rosa" I said showing Ashi his new baby sister.

I watched as Ashi's eyes lit up and he smiled happily. He was so thrilled that he now had a sibling to love.

I handed Rosa to Gray and watched as Gray fed her. Ashi then got into the bed as well and asked "Can I hold Rosa?".

"Sure honey" Gray said and handed Rosa over to Ashi.

Ashi held Rosa and kissed her head. He was so amazed and his power seemed to be calming down and be less aggressive.

"Is she like you imagined?" I asked Ashi.

"No she's even better" Ashi replied and smiled.

I was so shocked that he said Rosa turned out even better than he expected. I asked if he wanted to put a bow in her hair and he nodded.

He made her a special bow for her and then placed it in her hair which was so cute. The bow was made of frozen fire. He even made it in the shape of a dragon.

"Look papa it's beautiful just like her" Ashi said.

"It really is" I replied to Ashi.

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