~The story~

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So after the Fairy Tail gang left back to Magnolia with a newly born Rosa and Ashi both Mizuki and Caius said goodbye. They knew they wouldn't forget what they did for them.

Gray however was still wondering about those memories and who's they where. He didn't pay much time to think about it because he was more focused on Rosa.

"How do you like Rosa?" Gray asked while walking the streets.

"I love her mama! She's my new baby sister and no one is going to take her from us" Ashi replied.

Ashi and Gray had to go to the market before Natsu and Gray's wedding. Gray took Ashi with him to keep an eye on Rosa.

Rosa made baby sounds the entire time during the wedding, but Ashi was sitting next to her to give her the binkie and bottle. Half way through the wedding Caius and Mizuki came down with Calvin.

"I'm glad we made it on time" Caius said.

"Yeah I'm glad we didn't miss it" Mizuki replied walking with Calivn and Caius to their seat.

When the music started Gray began to walk down the isle, but that didn't mean he couldn't stop the thoughts and memories of someone else.

The priest went on with the ceremony and declared that Natsu and Gray be wedded at once. However since they where already done with the ceremony they had more time to take care of their kids.

At the reception Ashi walked around handing out cups of water to everyone even Natsu and Gray.

"Here mama and papa" Ashi said.

"Thanks buddy" Natsu replied petting his head.

Gray was talking with Mizuki about the reason behind the blood on the bed that he stayed in. Gray told him that he had went into labor that night.

"Man I'm so sorry I didn't know" Mizuki replied holding Calvin.

"It's fine." Gray replied holding Rosa close to his chest and noticed that her dress was wet.

"Ashi did her bottle spill?" Gray asked Ashi.

"No mama that's from her drool" Ashi replied as he walked over with Natsu and Caius.

"Okay love" Gray replied as both him and Mizuki left to change their babies.

"Papa... Is mama mad?" Ashi asked Natsu.

"No honey mama just needs to change Rosa" Natsu replied to Ashi.

-In the bathroom-
While Gray and Mizuki changed their kids Mizuki told Gray that he was pregnant again with another baby.

"Wow! Does Caius know?" Gray asked picking up Rosa.

"No I don't know how to tell him" Mizuki replied a bit scared.

"I think I know a little kid who can help" Gray replied.

He then called Ashi into the bathroom so he could tell Ashi how to tell Caius that Mizuki was having another baby.

Ashi walked in and was shocked once Gray explained that Mizuki was having a baby.

Ashi ran out to the reception and found Caius before telling him that Mizuki was pregnant once again.

Caius was shocked and said "Well thank you for telling me little one".

Ashi smiled and hugged Natsu tightly saying "Papa is Rosa my only sibling?".

"For right now." Natsu replied.

When Mizuki and Gray came out of the bathroom with their kids Gray saw Caius grabbed Mizuki and kiss him.

"Why didn't you tell me about your pregnancy?" Caius asked.

"Because this is only the second baby" Mizuki replied.

Everyone listened to the two and then Natsu and Gray thanked everyone for coming to their wedding.

Natsu picked up Ashi who had fallen asleep on the kitchen table during cake time. Gray held Rosa who had fallen asleep cuddling Natsu's scarf.

"Cute kids" Gray said holding Rosa.

"We made them" Natsu said holding Ashi on his back.

"Yeah we did" Gray replied as he walked home with Natsu, Rosa and Ashi.

Natsu opened the door and said "Welcome home".

When they walked into the house Natsu washed up Ashi and got him in pajamas then helped Gray with Rosa.

He took Rosa and washed her up and got her in pajamas while Gray washed up and in pajamas. Once Rosa was asleep Gray and Natsu both cuddled into the bed and fell asleep.

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