~Memories of anonymous (PT1)~

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Kouichi's POV
Gray was out cold for three days it concerned everyone, but when he woke up he was acting strange. During breakfast he was constantly holding his head and Natsu kept giving him comfort.

"Is he okay?" I asked holding Calvin up to my chest.

"He's okay... I think" Natsu replied.

I honestly didn't think Gray was alright. When I was feeding Calvin, I noticed Gray outside looking in the water fountain in the garden.

"Should papa be worried?" I asked Calivn, but he just laughed in response.

At night when I walked away from my bedroom to get water I noticed Gray was awake and mumbling something. I decided to get a little closer and heard what he was saying.

"Those memories weren't mine... Who's where they? Did my mom lie? Who was that man? Why did he have a sword? Why was he carrying the babies away from my aunt?" Gray mumbled and held his head.

He sounded like he was in pain from trying to remember why these memories where shown to him. I decided to ask Caius in the morning.

I then watched as Gray walked back to his room and to Natsu. I then walked back to Caius after getting my water and walking to my room.

When the morning sun rose I was cuddled into Caius's big arms and Calivn was in between us. I was so happy that Calvin was so comfortable in between his two fathers, but I had to feed him. I went to move him, but Caius woke up and held me on his lap while I held Calvin.

"Caius I heard Gray last night discussing memories that weren't his. Is that an effect of anything?" I asked feeding Calvin.

Caius thought for a second and then said "That's actually something Natsu asked me to research today. We are going to be in my study for a bit researching this. Please stay in bed since the midwife said you could collapse without the proper bed rest".

I nodded and agreed to the bed rest, but that doesn't mean I would enjoy not helping. I wanted to know why Gray was seeing memories that weren't his.

It was a bit shocking that I had to stay in bed, while Caius and Natsu got to help Gray. I wanted to help Gray so much, but I couldn't help him at all.

Natsu's POV
All the time I've been with Gray, he's never acted strange and now all of a sudden he's being weird and keeping his distance from me.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked cuddling with him in our bed.

"N-Nothing just can't believe I was asleep for three days straight" Gray replied.

I had to meet with Caius soon to help him research what Mizuki explained to him about what Gray mumbled last night. I didn't want to leave Gray just in case that happened again, but I had to.

"Babe... Can I breed you again?" I asked leaning towards his ear and licking the back of his neck.

I heard a soft moan escape Gray's mouth and it made me happy to hear. But he didn't give me a real answer.

"I-I guess we can" Gray said presenting himself to me.

I smiled and slowly took off my underwear and slid my rock hard cock into him. I heard him moan and I watched as he moved while I thrusted hard.

He was moaning louder and then I thrusted harder and bit his neck allowing me to gain more access to him. As I kept thrusting harder and the more he moaned the more I was able to enter him.

I couldn't hold back anymore the thrusting went from hard to harder and faster, but that's when something terrifying happened. Gray all of a sudden went weak and numb, his moans began to go silent. I thrusted harder and came deeply inside him and pulled back.

"Gray... GRAY!?" I was so scared and started to shake him.

He was unconscious and bleeding badly from his neck. I tried to lick it up and just couldn't cause of how badly it was bleeding. I then screamed so loud it echoed through the castle and tears ran down my face.

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