~The Guest Room~

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Gray's POV
Well we were going to just going to head back to Magnolia, but since I ended up poisoned we have to stay in Eustil till I'm better and then we have to go find Caius's bride. However apon arrival Caius had only two rooms instead of a room large enough for all four of us.

Shockingly the rooms were well put together and the girls got the bigger bedroom while Natsu and I had a bedroom full of random shit all over the walls.

"This is very nice, don't you think Natsu?" I asked only to turn and see Natsu hungry for lust.

"I don't know, but what I'm looking at looks a lot better~"

"Natsu please don't I-I'm sick" I replied to him a bit scared.

"Gray a little fun hasn't hurt anyone before, so why are you so terrified?" Natsu asked.

To be completely honest it was the fact Natsu wanted his way with me even when I'm not feeling well, but I had to come up with some sort of lie.

"A-Ashi! We promised to call him and tell him when we are coming back" I replied

"Right thanks for reminding me about that. Wooh if Ashi called while we where doing that we wouldn't hear the end of it from Mirajane" Natsu replied.

Did he actually forget that we promised to call Ashi or was he trying to be a smar-

"Lights out please Titan electricity is actually really hard to pay for" Caius called out.

"I'm going to talk to Caius for a few minutes Gray, but I'll be back" Natsu replied and walked out the door leaving me standing in the room.

I was now all alone in the room and really there was nothing I could do to bring Natsu back faster because this was a royal matter. However I was really hoping it wouldn't be for so long.

"Gray~" A voice called out to me.

"Natsu? Didn't you go talk with Caius?" I asked, however I didn't get a reply.

"Gray come here~" The voice said again.

I was really starting to get freaked out and wanting so badly to scream and run to Natsu, but that is when I heard Deliora, my family, friends and neighbors all dying. It was horrible and I don't know how that came to my mind, but it did and I screamed so loud that I scared Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Caius and the rest of the castle staff.

Natsu's POV
I was talking with Caius about how to find his bride and what we can do for him, but then everyone heard a scream and I knew it was Gray.

"Gray are you okay?" I asked walking into the room, but I didn't get an answer.

"Gray say something" Lucy replied reaching out for him.

Gray moved like lightning and slapped Lucy's hand "Don't touch me" is the only thing he said.

I walked over to Gray and put a hand on his head "Shhh. I'm here Gray. Deliora is dead"

"N-No... Deliora is alive and is looking for me. I can't let it find me" Gray replied gripping tightly to me.

Gray however didn't like the fact that I was trying to reassure him. He was really scared about Deliora and everything. I told Caius to leave the room with everyone and he did just that.

"Gray love what is wrong? You are worrying everyone even me" I said gripping his shoulders.

"Deliora won't stop until it kills me. Deliora will kill everything I lo-love or hold dear to me" Gray cried, he even seemed to choke on the word 'Love'.

What did he mean by that? Deliora would kill everything he loved or held dear to him. I didn't want to bother with questions, but I really wanted to know why he was getting so scared of a demon I had already killed with the help of his teacher Ura.

I got up off the floor with Gray and threw him onto the bed and cuddled up with him and told him that everything was going to be alright as long as I was here for him.

"Gray for now until the morning, you are under my protection and I want you to get sleep" I said and watched as Gray had already fallen asleep tucked tightly next to my chest.

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