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Natsu's POV
I told Caius what he wanted to hear and hoped it would be enough, but then I heard Gray screaming again and this time I knew it was a bad memory coming up and back into his mind. It could have been from Deliora or even the day he lost Ura, Who knows?

Caius, Erza, Lucy, a few servants and I ran back into the room only to see Gray curled up in a blanket with tears streaming down his face and his whole arms where scratched up. It wasn't red... Well it was red, but also dripping with blood.

"Gray what happened?" Erza asked.

Gray, however remained as quiet as when he almost lost Juvia, but still the look he gave Erza showed a terrified child trapped in a teenagers body.

"Gray?" Lucy said to see if he would move or even look at her, but nothing.

Gray still remained motionless with that same trapped and terrified child locked in a teenage body.

Everyone went to leave till we heard "N-Natsu"

Gray had spoke, but it was really soft like he had been screaming his entire life.

"What's wrong Gray?" I asked him and got on my knees next to him.

"M-My grandfather... He's alive" Gray replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked really confused

"H-He's alive... he has my mom's sister" Gray continued.

I looked at Caius to see if this was an affect of the Karina fruit, but he told me with his eyes that it wasn't an affect.

"Gray, have you met your aunt?" I asked him

Gray slowly shook his head "N-No... I want to though"

"What if she had died and your grandfather?" I asked

Gray seemed to have taken his time to think about this answer, because it went so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"I would be glad my grandfather died, but not happy my aunt is dead" Gray finally replied.

"Why would you be happy about the death of your grandfather?" Caius asked

"He use to hurt my mom and my aunt. I remember my mom took me to visit grandpa once and he yelled at my mom for having me with my dad that he got so pissed he beat her. However my dad didn't stand for that and took me and my mom home where he took care of her injuries till... Deliora came" Gray shuddered at the memory.

"G-Gray" I replied, to be honest I couldn't even make out any words for him.

Lucy's POV
Poor Gray had to listen to his mother screaming while she got beat by her father, that's awful. Now Gray has PTSD off the walls like you wouldn't believe and this only makes it worse and more time in therapy.

"Gray what else do you remember?" I asked "Like about your aunt or grandfather?"

"Auntie was pregnant, but Grandpa told her to get rid of them like my mom should have done with me, but my mom offered auntie a place to stay with us" Gray replied.

He seemed to be slowly slipping into a small space where he can be safe and not relive this living hell his grandfather had put him, his father, his mother, his aunt and his cousin or cousins through.

"What else Gray? Did your aunt say how many babies she was having?" Erza asked

"Auntie said that she was having twins" Gray replied and slowly began to fall back to sleep on Natsu.

I gave Natsu a reassuring nod before everyone left the boys alone, but something about Gray's strange behavior and PTSD episodes seem to have everyone on edge, even Natsu. They use to be only once a night, but two times in one night never seems like a good thing.

I couldn't even begin to think so I asked Grandpa Crunx for advice and it was very tiring because he kept falling asleep, eventually I just asked Lokie and Virgo. They both told me the same thing and that was "Don't worry about it, it could just be that he's in a new place and needs to adjust".

However I found it very difficult to believe that Gray was having trouble adjusting to Eustil, but then again there is a first for everything. But Gray... Could he really just be adjusting to Eustil since we have to stay a while?

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