Reincarnated or Possessing

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Wei WuXian received a kick just as he opened his eyes.

A voice thundered beside his ear, "Stop playing dead!"

The kick threw him backwards, headfirst onto the ground. Fighting the urge to vomit, a thought formed in his head—that's quite a lot of courage you have to kick me, the Patriarch.

It was his first time hearing a human voice in quite a few years, let alone such a loud, fierce shriek. His head swirled and ears buzzed with the echoes of the voice, "Whose land do you think you're living on? Whose rice are you eating? Whose money are you spending? What's wrong with taking a few of your belongings? Everything you own should be mine, anyways!"

Aside from this adolescent, duck-like voice, there were the clunks of ransacking chests and smashing objects as well. His eyes gradually cleared up.

A dimly-lit ceiling appeared in his sight, followed by a slant-browed person with a sickly composition, drenching him with spittle, "How dare you tell Father and Mother? Did you really think that anybody in this house is going to listen to you? You actually thought I was scared of you!"

A few servant-like hunks shifted over, "Young Master, everything is smashed!"

The young master asked, "How did you finish it this quickly?"

A manservant replied, "There's nothing much inside this shack anyways."

The young master seemed to be quite pleased, poking Wei WuXian forcefully on the nose, "You dared to tell on me, and look at you now, playing dead on the ground! For whom? As if anyone actually wants these piles of junk! Now that I've smashed everything, let's see how you're gonna tell on me in the future! Are you proud of yourself just because you've studied cultivation for a few years? Well, how does it feel when you've been kicked back home like a stray dog?"

Wei WuXian thought wearily.

I'm not pretending to be dead at all, since I've actually been dead for a couple of years.

Who is this?

Where am I? The young master let out enough anger by kicking the person and wrecking the house, and strutted out with his two man-servants, slamming the door with a "bang". He shouted his orders, "Watch carefully. Don't let him outside anytime this month, or he'll make a fool of himself again!"

As the group went away, silence fell upon the room. Wei WuXian thought about getting up.

However, his limbs failed to uphold themselves, so he lay down again. He turned on his side and stared dizzily at the strange environment and the heaps of mess on the ground.

Suddenly he heard shuffling from the person beside him.

"Ugh....Stop screaming you goddamn dumbass.. I'll break your legs.. Exclaimed the unknown person beside him."

He recognized the threat. His beloved shidi! :D

"A-Cheng.. Is that you~" He asked half suspicious and half teasing.

"Yes, it's me you idiot" Jiang Cheng replied grumpily.

"Wait A-Cheng how did you recognized me?" Wei Wuxian asked dumbfounded.

"You're the only will go to a mirror to admire yourself completely forgetting there's a person lying dead" JC replied annoyed.


Just moments ago

A bronze mirror rested on the side, probably thrown onto the ground. Wei WuXian grabbed it and looked into the mirror, only to see a ghastly pale face, with two asymmetrical piles of red on each side of his cheek. Add a blood-red tongue onto the features, and he would look like a hanged ghost. He tossed the mirror to the side and wiped his face, finding his hand covered with white powder.

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