Older brothers are overrated (Original)

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"Your brother is searching for us." Jiang Cheng collapses on a bed.

"Aish... Why can't he leave me alone for a day?!" Nie Huaisang fanned himself aggressively.

"I love him but sometimes I would like to throw him from a window." Nie Huaisang put his fan down.

"You know if this was the past I would've been surprised seeing you talk like this" Jiang Cheng spoke after a long silence.

"I know, I'm awesome." Nie Huaisang spoke while lying down.

"It's been a long time, I wonder where did Brother Wei went?" Nie Huaisang spoke with a hint of concern.

"He probably got caught by Lan Wangji" Jiang Cheng said unfazed.

"It's about time they got together" They both spoke at the same time.

It has been a whole boring week for Nie Huaisang. If Jiang Cheng wasn't there he would've died of boredom.

It was fun watching Jiang-xiong struggling to scowl or make any expression with his stiff face. Heh, it's almost like Mo XiuYing has defeated Hanguang Jun's stiff face.

'Ugh, why can't we have any good drama'

He wants a revenge arc. Like in those novels he read and sheesh the protagonists sure do have a nice heavenly pillar.

NHS: 👀👌
JC: Not you too 😒
NMJ: What the hell are you reading?!
JGY: P*rn.
LXC: 'Ooh, I want one' 👀

Meanwhile with Wei WuXian.

"Hanguang Jun?"

"Lan Zhan?"

He was tapping the other man's face for while now. Lan Wangji wasn't waking up at all.

Did he actually kill him?!

Holy fuck!

His attention then was attracted by rustling sounds. It looks like Lan Wangji was waking up.

JC: I can't-
JC: Bye, I'm out.
NHS: 👀✨
NMJ: *He's in misery*
LXC: *borrowed good literature*

Wei WuXian couldn't walk. He blames Hanguang Jun's mighty pillar for that.

Why haven't Jiang Cheng found him by now?! 😭

Is he abandoned by his precious Didi?! 😭


"So, you both know what are we here for right?" Nie Mingjue says to both Lan Xichen and Jin GuangYao.

"We're supposed to help you find what's Nie Huaisang reading" Jin GuangYao says as he sits on one of the chairs.

Lan Xichen doesn't says anything as he is reading something "important".




That caught Lan Xichen's attention as he scrambles to hide the literature he's been reading.

"Yes?" He asks with a polite smile.

"Nevermind" Both JGY and NMJ said simultaneously.

Extra: Sweater or Robes

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