Jiang Cheng wtf?!

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Wei WuXian can't believe he has to live like this. He used be the center of attention. He does not like hiding like this. He told his beloved shidi this and ended up getting scolded. Jiang Cheng said "Either this or you go with Lan Wangji"

JC: Well you can always go with Lan Wangji no one's stopping you 😒

WWX: Not happening in a million years 😒

JC: Yeah, that's it we're tying you up and sending you as Lan Wangji's present.

NH: sorry not sorry Brother Wei 😏


*Ties WWX up and sends him to Gusu*

LW: Wei Ying...

WWX: traitors 😭

*Gusu disciples wondering what's the weird sound is coming from Hanguang Jun's bedroom*

And they lived happily ever after ✨


After sometime the Lans seemed to head back out. Were they having a sect conference?
No, how are they going to have sect meetings without the other sects. It's probably a small discussion between two sects.

Wei Ying thought before sneaking into Nie Huaisang's room.

Lan Wangji:....

Nie Huaisang who was painting was startled by an intruder. He calmed himself before recognizing the intruder at once it's Mo XuanYu. After a quick observation, he (Nie Huaisang) realized that the ritual worked.

Before he could greet him he was tackled by a man dressed in blue.

It was Mo XiuYing Mo XuanYu's brother!

Now he's screwed (Nie Huaisang)

"Brother Wei?" He asked just to make sure.

"Don't brother Wei me hmph!" Wei WuXian sulked.

"Wei WuXian now's not the time to sulk" Jiang Cheng reprimanded

"A-cheng my beloved shidi this shortie here didn't even visit us, we suffered too much to see him." Wei WuXian replied

"Brother Wei I'm sorry! I couldn't leave the Nie compound because of my brother!" Nie Huaisang cried out.

"Okay my god! be quiet will you" Jiang Cheng scolded him.

NH: *sniffles*

WWX: *goes to coax him*

NH: *overjoyed his trick worked*

JC: *annoyed over the display of affection*

LW: *waiting for his wife*

LX: *Smiling through the pain*

"Okay cut it out!" Jiang Cheng spoke over the weird atmosphere.

"Oh yeah Huaisang we need the information about what happened after we died." Wei WuXian questioned the sparkling man.

"Eh- Short to say, Lady Jiang took over the Jiang sect, Lan Wangji came out of seclusion just after bringing a kid back to Gusu." Nie Huaisang said.

"Why did Lan Wangji went to seclusion and where did he find a kid from?!" Wei WuXian asked with anticipation.

Hmm.. Brother Wei still haven't realized anything huh?

Let me see Brother Jiang's expression.

It seems he's deep in his mind space.

He didn't want to disturb.

Apart of him want to send them both as presents for the Jades but he isn't the one who controls fate. He's just a bystander.

He'll just have to give it a little push.

Hope they don't get mad.

Sorry for the late updates. I haven't gotten any ideas for this but I'm going to write anyway. I will finish this book so no need to worry.
Stay safe

Azuré ✨

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