Secrets to Brotherhood (I)

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According to his resources (Spying on his brother) Nie Huaisang came to a conclusion. His brother still has their weapons which is hard to destroy as it was infused with demonic Qi. Heh... He should praise himself for coming up with that idea to protect the weapons with demonic Qi.


Years ago


A book was slammed against the table which made an annoyingly loud sound.

"We need something to protect our weapons incase something goes wrong." Jiang Cheng said as he showed Wei WuXian and Nie Huaisang who were wearing dark clothes.

After sometime, Nie Huaisang's brain clicked. First he tested out his theory.

It didn't work..... It seems he needs something to hold them and make sure both energy repels any other energy.

Of course!

They need the ghost flower that grows in Endless Abyss.

If he could get them without being corrupted due resentful energy it would be great.

Timeskip ( Cuz I'm lazy and my neck hurts)

He loves he ge and his friends but he couldn't help but be disappointed when they announced their sworn brothers. They left Jiang sect out. Whatever he doesn't cares.

He loved seeing their shocked faces when he announced their not only sworn brothers but also sharing the same soul. As long as one of them lives the other could never be killed. Hence this is one of the reasons why even after getting pushed down from a cliff, getting pierced by arrows and getting stabbed Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian are still alive and well.

He just loves doing things that he had only seen in his novels. His most favorite part is when the cannon fodder who goes through their redemption arc. It's quite rare to find such literature since writers prefer the protagonist more. Hence why he writes his own scripts and books.


I just realized that instead of writing the story I messed up writing about NH's literature-

I wasn't supposed to do that since it's basically like a diary entry of mine. I also prefer side characters than the protagonist or villains sometimes. Hence this is why I'm even bothering to write. Most Authors/Writers don't actually write details about the side characters. I mean it's quite troublesome to even write a word about the protagonist sometimes so I can see why.

Once again I'm rambling and basically just wasted my writing time. Wonderful I also have a neck and back aches now.

Anyways I'mma repeat this again sry for interrupting your reading time with my annoyingly large messages. I know that I don't post much.

If you guys have any ideas or extra details you would like to add please dm me or join my discord server.

Link is in my bio 💖

That's all from me,

Thank you for reading and voting.
Azuré Reyna Reiss 🥀
He, Nie Huaisang thought for a quick second.

He could get their weapons from his brother as long as he could make replicas of said weapons.

Suggesting that idea did not work as Brother Jiang asked "And how are we getting materials at this point?"


This going to waste his precious slacking time.



A few moments later.

"Brother instead of asking why am I sneaking in two younger men in my room why don't you answer what are you discussing with two older men in yours?"

That was an absolutely horrible idea which resulted in Lan Xichen choking and Jin GuangYao holding his stomach trying not to laugh all while his brother sent his shoe flying.

He quickly ran for his dear life.

And that's how it ended with him and his brothers to hide under a cave.

Azuré: If anyone's confused it was a planned distraction to steal their weapons and run for their dear life.

Well it was planned on NH as distraction until he blew it up too quickly.

Meh oh well.

Stay safe y'all ❤️

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