F(Quack) I'm dead!

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Hehe... Sorry for not updating. I had somethings that needed to be cleared out. I wanted to update yesterday but I just got my vaccine and I was really tired. 


If it was darker, then one would need a torch to move freely about in the mountain's forest. Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng walked for a while, but they didn't meet many cultivators. Wei Wuxian was quite surprised, is it possible that half of the clans who came were in Buddha's Feet arguing and talking empty words, while the other half could only come back defeated, like the group of people who just passed by?

Suddenly, cries for help came from in front of them.

"Is anyone there?"

"Help us!"

Both brothers heard desperate cries both made by men and women. Cries for help from desolate mountains were usually the works of evil creatures, to lure ignorant people into traps. Yet, Wei WuXian was extremely happy and Jiang Cheng was just dead on tired.

The brothers (and the donkey) headed to well where the voices came from but they couldn't see anything. Jiang Cheng looked upwards after sensing something only to find it was the random clan they stumbled upon earlier. 

The group was originally patrolling around, however instead of getting a good prey they caught themselves into traps. It seems the traps have been set up by some sort of wealthy clan. 

After seeing that help has arrived, the morons in the nets brightened but after seeing whom it was the happiness dimmed down. After all no one could break the deity binding net, although it looks thin the quality of the threads are the finest of kind. They didn't believe two lunatics could be any use to them. (Of course you didn't that's why I called you morons -_-)  

They brothers were about to help when they heard fallen branches and dried leaves being crunched followed by an appearance of a boy. 

The boy had a vermilion mark in between his eyebrows, his features delicate yet sharp. He was quite young, probably around the same age as Lan SiZhui—still in his adolescence. He carried a bamboo canister of feathered arrows and a luminous sword on his back, holding a longbow in his hand. The embroidery on his clothes were extremely delicate, forming a magnificent white peony in front of his chest. The golden threads glistened against the dark nighttime shades surrounding him.

Wei WuXian silently exclaimed, "How wealthy!"

Jiang Cheng commented, "Show offs"

This must have been a young master studying in the LanlingJin Sect, since the sect was the only one with a white peony as the clan pattern, using the king of all flowers to suggest that they were the king of all cultivators (*cough* as if *cough). The vermilion markimplied the meaning of "opening the doors toward wisdom and aspiration; illuminating the world with the vermilion light." 

The young master already had an arrow on his bow,and was preparing to shoot it, when he realized that the deity-binding nets only caught humans. After an initial moment of disappointment, he quickly became annoyed, "I find you idiots every single time. There are more than four hundred deity-binding nets in the mountain, but you guys have already broken ten or so, and I haven't even seen the prey yet!"

Wei WuXian thought, again, "How wealthy!"

Jiang Cheng again commented, "Whiny little bit-"

A single deity-binding net was already expensive, yet he had set up four hundred all at once. A smaller clan would've became bankrupt after buying so many, but then, of course, this was the LanlingJin Sect. However, wasting deity-binding webs like this and not caring about what they caught shouldn't be considered night-hunting at all. In fact, it was almost as if they were chasing people away, not allowing others the chance of contributing to the process. It seemed like that the cultivators who retreated earlier didn't do it because the prey was difficult, but rather because this sect was one that shouldn't be angered.

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