Secrets to Brotherhood (II)

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Yep he's going rogue... If you're wondering how he had end up in this particular situation. He would blame his brothers.

He repeatedly told them to not waste time sightseeing or waltz everywhere like they own the place but no-

No one listens to Jiang Cheng or Mo XiuYing. Mo XiuYing looks more intimidating than his old body. (He secretly likes it)

Now he ended up having to carry two drunk idiots. Wonderful!

Why did he agree to become sworn brothers anyway?

Some  years ago in Gusu.

"Where in the hell did you find this trash?" A young man in white robes spoke. He had a scowling expression as if he has plaguing responsibilities at a young age.

"A-cheng, this is not trash but treasure" Another youth in white replied. He looked cheery and friendly that you wouldn't have known that he is a pervert.

(Don't deny it guys we all know he's a dense pervert)

"So, what does your "treasure" do besides being ugly like your smug face?" The scowling youth sassed.

"You wounded me my dear A-cheng 😭" said the smiling youth.

"Wei- Xiong! Jiang-xiong!" Another youth in white dashed in without caring for the rules as Lan Qiren was not present.

"Slow down Huaisang." said the the scowling youth.



"I never ran like this, even in training. If gege saw me like this he would've been proud"

Nie Mingjue: Sadly you're too lazy to exercise 😑

"Did you get the artifact's scroll like I asked you?" Wei WuXian dusted his robes.

"Yep" Nie Huaisang answered.

Nie Huaisang began story telling.

"So, according to my one hour research, This trinket is called "Unity" Nie Huaisang was puzzled at first by it's ironic name but he continues to say more anyways.

"Following it's name it's not hard to decipher what it does. It basically connects more than one individuals together creating a bond that could never break. It works like this, as long as one of the individual who bonded are alive the other would still live on no matter what. When they die they would be reincarnated with no memories but would always manage to find each other" He finished.

"Well, that was boring " Wei WuXian yawned.

"Be more responsible dumbass" Jiang Cheng tackled him.

As they rolled over each other, Nie Huaisang who also got caught in their ruckus accidentally activated the trinket which binded their souls.

The dumbass trio:......
Gusu Lan disciples: Someone call the animal control-
Sometimes accidents lead a new beginning.

They could be wonderful

They could terrible


"Wei-Xiong! Hold on!"

"Fucking douchebags you lot"

"Come at me you damn cunt!"

"Cheeky aren't ya~"


"Wei WuXian I swear to God!"


Jiang Cheng smiled unconsciously. He didn't notice that his face seemed more radiant than usual.

People on the street saw an immortal that was walking by. He was beautiful, cold and made the moon look like light bulb.

Dude 1: Is that god?

Woman 1: Oh praise the Lord, he had blessed us with his presence!

Lil girl 1: Pretty gege 😍

Nevertheless, that was the last time they saw the Immortal Master.

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