My heart that beats for you.

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We, homos can be smart, (When we want to) but we're also blind to red flags.

"So, you're saying that...." Jiang Cheng took a moment to breathe.

"Yes!" Nie Huaisang answered Jiang Cheng's question before the other could even answer it.

"Wow- I mean I'm not against on it or anything but wait-" Jiang Cheng paused and continued.

"Aren't those novels erotic!" The sexy grape screeched.

*Rip Huaisang's ears*



We are landing on planet wangxian please fasten your seatbelts

The couple (LWJ x WWX) were walking along the grassland in Gusu. When they bumped into the juniors who looked startled. Soot and dust were covering them as if they just escaped from a burning house.

Turns out infact, they did escape from one but instead of a house it was a farm.

Putting the fire away was easy but cleaning up the mess was a hassle.

The cause of the fire was, an emergency flare gone wrong.

We're the all berated by Lan Wangji.



After a brief scolding from Lan Qiren. Everything went smoothly for everyone.

But the most happiest day for them would be, The accidental marriage between Zewu-jun and Sandu Sengshou.

Yes, you read that right. 😼

The Zewu-jun and Sandu Sengshou had gotten married!

It all happened to fast. So fast that before he could comprehend the entire situation he was whisked away.

His entire life was all based on expectations. As a sect heir and a son. And someday a sect leader. Even if all his training had been vain.

He was expected to get married to a well bred woman. She must be educated and from prominent clan. He must have an heir to pass the leadership when he himself had finally aged and is too weary to rule over his sect.

However, the heavens decided otherwise.

Lan Xichen.

His a mystery shrouded in smiles. He smiles a lot but.... There is a hidden pain inside of him. Although he is a master at concealing it. Jiang Cheng has seen through him.

After all, he too would know a thing or two about hiding one's feelings wouldn't he?

It's hypocritical of him to pass a judgement based on Lan Xichen when he himself does the same thing. Hiding his emotions and thoughts had become a habit. Heck it's a second skin to him at this point.

Always too young to have opinions or even suggestions.
Or too little experience or intellect to have opinions and feelings.

Not to mention the continued pestering of the topic of his marriage.
The elders. The whole lot of them. Shouldn't they be in coffins if we were to follow their logic?

If he had the power to shut them all up. Oh gods wouldn't that be great!.


Talking about elders. How are they going to explain this erm. "Situation"?

They would definitely throw a fit if the lineage of the Lan clan's sect leader Zewu-jun doesn't give them a heir wouldn't they?

Wait. Why is this man so calm?!
Couldn't you at least panic a little for your husband!!


When did he started using that term to address Lan Xichen???

If anything he should be using Zewu-jun!

He should be prepared for the storm they're about to cause at the sect hall.

Please help me....

He prayed.

No, not to the god.

Not to his ancestors.

But his brother.

Wei Ying.

When all the gods above failed him and his elders all were dead. It was his brother who brought him back to life. It was all Wei Ying. Oh how much he has missed his siblings together. The days at Lotus Pier feasting upon Jiejie's delicious soup.

Oh how much he missed it. The warmth of the soup and her embrace. Her wide smile.

Now he can never go back to those days. He can't look at her without feeling that urge to fling himself off another cliff. The world doesn't deserve her. She deserves the world and whatever fuck it has to offer because to him she is the best thing in his life.

She was his rock when his parents were arguing. She took care of him even though she herself was barely a child herself. She made sure he was happy not just barely fed and clothed by the servants.

To think he had insulted his nephew..... Who is he to insult him!? He doesn't have the best personality to begin with. Heck everyone calls him the male version of his mother. They call her all sorts of names behind her back. Well what is she supposed to do when her husband's barely being one.

Sometimes he wished his mother would leave his father and go back to Meishan Yu.

He looked at Lan Xichen to distract himself from his thoughts. As be turned his breath got caught on his throat.

He choked internally.

Damn it!
Why do you look so......


Is he actually happy to be married with... Me?

Me. As in the frowning, rude and angry.....

He paused.

Why me?

What do you get from marrying someone like me?

I have nothing to offer you.

Heck I'm no better than one of those fierce corpses!
I'm just an ugly and bitter scrap of a pathetic man.

So, why do you shower me with such tender words?

Why do you always smile...?

Why is your voice gentle, so assuring and sweet like a melodious lullaby?

Why do you make my heart melt and make my heart soar.

You made it beat Xichen. You made this cold and dead heart beat.

And it beats for you.

You make me feel like I'm the best thing that ever happened to you?

If anything I should be the worst.

Oh, Xichen.

Sweet, sweet Xichen.

How do you torment me with your light.

All I am is a slug compared to you.

I am not worthy.

So, why do you frown when I bring this up.

Why do your eyes look misty when I say these words?

Why do you too look tormented?

Am I tormenting you?

I am sure it my fault.

After all.

I am my mother's son.

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