Frost and Ice PT2

509 21 2

Your just all frost and ice...
After scolding his brother for his disturbance, Jiang Cheng went back to meditating. He's still mad of that idiot for running of every now and then what happened to "staying together forever".... They promised their A-Jie to stay together till death... Thinking about Wei Wuxian only brings him stress and headache... He still looks upto him though.... Yeah, let's not mention that.

WWX: Aww, You love me!
WWX: *Pouts* But I want to swing you more~
JC: How about swinging your HUSBAND!
WWX: A-Cheng Lan Zhan is just a friend... UnU
JC: Yeah and Fairy is a cat ಠ_ʖಠ
JC: Idiot...
WWX: ಥ‿ಥ
???: Wei Ying...
???: Wanyin~
JC: Yeah, bye (─.─||)
Me: Stick to the goddamn script (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Following Wei Wuxian outside Jiang Cheng heard the servants making fun of Wei Wuxian. Since he has to protect Mo XiuYing's brother or his body, he kicked the brat.

The brat: (-_-メ)

A- Tong who saw Jiang Cheng or Mo XiuYing froze like if he was remembering something unpleasant.


A- Tong was particularly grumpy that out of all the servants he has to serve the gay freak and ice cube...

A/n: Just because A- Tong said that doesn't mean being gay is a big issue... As long there's love... I'm Bi... So, please don't take offense.

At least he only needs to feed them. He gave them the food and was about to enter the room to clean but the Mo Xuanyu wasn't letting him in. He then particularly said some harsh words...

"You stupid freak no wonder your mother died, she doesn't want to admit she have birth to some one like you."

On cue the door cracks into pieces. Mo Xuanyu wasn't standing there anymore instead he was sleeping.
He realized that he was actually talking to Mo XiuYing. The one who rumoured to have more cultivation than the normal.

"Oh, it's you the abnormal freak"

"Your brother is probably-"

Blood warning ⚠️

A scream could be heard. Flesh ripping and blood flows down beautifully. The sight was quite satisfying to Mo XiuYing. He was already angry at them damaging his brother. Now, insulting him... He'll kill them all. I'm coming for you Jin Guangshan~

"What. did. you. say" Mo XiuYing snarled threateningly.

"I could care less about a bitch who only cares about herself and her "outstanding" reputation" He continued plunging his nails deeper.

Gritting his teeth while his eyes were closed he choked out an apology...
"I-I'm sorry"


Nails tightens and finger coiled up A-Tong's neck. It was painful. He clenched his hands in pain.

And then all the pain vanished...

"If you're truly sorry learn your place you filthy pheasant" The cold face finally morphed into a sneer..

Saying that the door which was broke now fixed without a scratch closed.

A-Tong checked his neck to get prove and punish that brat but to his disappointment he found no injuries. Gritting his teeth he left bring the empty food tray with him...

End of flashback

A-Tong shivered he scurried off leaving A-Ding to the Mo brothers.
Jiang Cheng watched as Wei Wuxian portrayed himself as a lunatic. His job is to protect the brother and get revenge... After that he can bring Wei Wuxian to Lotus Pier. After the small ruckus Jiang Cheng left wandering around. He wondered why aren't the other Lan's here... His plan should've been working... He wanted to shove Wei Wuxian in Lan Wangji's arms so he could relax in peace.. But no Wei Wuxian has to be dense and annoying...

Hehe, I was motivated again... I'll try to make the chapters longer... ❤️✨

Stay safe and awesome

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