Friendly reminders

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1) Be humble, but with self love - Just because you have to be humble, it does not mean that you have to lower yourself.

2) Where there is a hero there is a villain but, when the darkness takes over there's a ray of sunshine waiting to be seen.

3) Just because you do it or your friends do it, does not mean its ok - don't use the argument "That's ok. I do it too." It can be easily turned against you. So what if you do it? You're not perfect. You could be wrong.

4) If you want that dream life then you need to make it happen. Start working towards it. Act like you're definitely going to achieve what you want to achieve, but to get there you need to do a few "formalities" called work. It's like you have to climb a ladder and at the end of the ladder is your dream life. Don't stop climbing in between. It will leave you stranded in the middle of no where. If you start, go on.

5) Showing kindness to everyone does not mean they'll be kind to you but, that doesn't mean you have to stop being nice- if you don't get the results don't change the method. Some times, it's not your fault but, if there's room for improvement then go ahead. Move to the positive side, not the negative.

6) Wherever you are, you are not alone. There are 7 billion+ people in this world. You'll never be alone. You might get lonely of course, but that doesn't mean you're alone.

7) Your feelings are valid - Yes, every tear you shed is valid. No one has the rights to tell you that you can't feel bad about something. If you feel bad, then talk about it and try to solve the issue. All of your emotions are valid.

8) If they ran away from your love, they simply did not deserve to be loved by you. Don't beg them to come back. Move on. It'll hurt, but self growth is greater than anyone.

9) Go talk to your friends - I know I just said self growth is greater than anyone but, "anyone" means people that don't deserve you. Your friends do. So, do your part in making the friendship work.

10) Leave that toxic relationship please - I know it's difficult. I'm going through it too, but the first step to leaving the relationship is accepting that your relationship with that person is not helping your mental health.

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