What to do to be happy?

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𒊹︎Do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy𒊹︎

There are a few things that I think no one should ever give up or should do to get happiness in life. Now when I say this I don't want you to think that I've achieved all this and am really happy. I'm not. Trust me.

But at the same time I do have a few things that I feel will make me get happiness once I've achieved them.

Results may vary!!

1) Friendship - Be honest and loyal and stop blaming them for mistakes.
This is something that I feel I do. Whenever I feel terrible about myself for being ignored I'm quick to blame them for making me feel that way, but at the same time I do blame myself too.

That's not the point. If you feel something wrong with your friendship, talk it out. If they're unwilling to listen then that's your cue to leave. Walk away and believe me they won't call you back and you won't be sad.

That brings me to my second point-

2) Learn to leave and forget
If they don't want you don't stay with them and let them take advantage of you. If you don't like it, if you feel uncomfortable or like the friendship is even a little toxic; leave. Walk away as far as possible.

You won't feel sad but their memories will linger. Don't bother trying to make the friendship work again. If they don't talk to you first after you walk away; please, I'm begging you, do NOT feel guilty and talk to them trying to make your broken "friendship" work.

3) Don't trade your dignity
Whatever whoever says or does, it isn't worth your dignity. So do not give it away.

Like I said in the previous part, if they don't come to you don't beg for their friendship.

They don't need you, you don't need them. Simple as that.

4) Remember that we're all human
Remember that. Whatever you feel the others feel it too.

If you feel like you'll feel bad if someone said something to you then don't say that to someone else. That's called being selfish.

Don't bring others down because they did something to you. Sure you have to let them know how you felt but don't stoop to their same level.

5) Be a little selfish
This is something I saw online. You know, one of those motivational quotes.

"Be selfish enough to have self respect, self confidence and self love."

I think that quotes says it all. I don't need to explain it.

6) You always come first - but only to you
Make sure you love yourself to the maximum before you love anyone else.

I honestly feel 12 year olds and 13 year olds getting on a relationship is really stupid.

They don't even know what love is! You cannot love someone without loving yourself. There's no point loving someone else without loving yourself. Even though I have never been on a romantic relationship, I know this for a fact that even 15 year olds cannot love someone without loving themself and if they do the relationship will not work.

7) Keep yourself busy
Don't give your mind any space to overthink. Keep yourself busy always. Do something or the other everyday to get rid of negative thoughts.

Trust me. This helps a lot!

8) Trust
Don't. Don't trust anyone. That is something you have to keep to yourself. Don't trust anyone. It's like giving someone a knife and telling them to stab you.

Keep it to yourself until you find the right people.

9) You don't NEED a boyfriend/girlfriend
Just because your friends have one doesn't mean you need it too. Control your hormones some way else unless you want someone to come into your almost peaceful life and ruin everything.

10) Don't get influenced
Like I said before, just because your friends are doing it doesn't mean you have to too.

Doing drugs is not cool.

You don't look cool, so just stop it.

Acting like you have problems isn't cool either. This makes the people that actually have problems to stand back.

Getting drunk underage isn't cool.

Smoking isn't cool. It doesn't make you look cool.

These are only a few pointers. They are hard to achieve, but once you get there you'll be happy.

Good luck!

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