I miss everything!

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Does anyone miss going to school as much as I do? I mean, it's really no about the studying. I just want to go and meet my friends.

Sure we have online meetings but it's not the same. I miss the little walk from the bus to the class. My bus friends and I had to walk the length of the school ground and walk four flights of stairs to get to class. Ya it's a pretty big school but the classes and the hallways are  small.

I also miss those times when we would start talking and walking around the class as soon as the teacher left.

I miss the tension and excitement at the news of a school trip. We would guess where we would be taken and we would get excited every time a teacher said that they were discussing it.

I miss those few weeks before an exam when my friends and I would sit together studying and quizzing each other.

I miss hating on my enemy with my friends. Actually, I still do that but it's different.

I miss coming to class everyday and seeing my seat taken by someone and slightly fighting for it.

I miss complaining about my heavy bag, weather and the early school time.

I miss everything so much. I want to go back and live those moments again. I only have two years of school left. I don't want to spent it at home.

Corona has to leave!

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