When you're 50

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When you're 50 you'll be very old but, you'll also be very wise (whether you like it or not).

The things that matter to you as a teenager will not matter in 30-40 years.

You know how people say, "Don't worry about it. In a few years you'll look back and laugh." That's not true. You won't look back at it in a few years and laugh.

I had bad stuff happen when I was in sixth grade and now, 5-6 years later, I am NOT laughing about it. But, you know when I will laugh about it? When I'm 50 years old and have better things to worry about, when I've made worse mistakes. That's when I'll laugh about it. That's when we'll all learn to laugh at ourselves. Of course, "50" is just taken as an example. Some might find this peace sooner or later.

You don't really have to rush into the whole process of moving on. Feel everything and anything and you'll get there in time. Don't worry about not getting over something that happened years ago. It will happen. You will get there. Just wait.

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