Voice your opinion

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Don't I deserve the chance to have an opinion? Don't I deserve the right to have people follow my opinion? Don't people know that they have a voice to express their opinion? Then why do people blindly follow the people with the most power?

You have an opinion and you have the right to express it. What's annoying is when you're trying to make a point but no one takes your side.

If I'm on a debate with a teacher, everyone would just follow what a teacher says and wouldn't give a ear to what I say.

Sure I'm younger, but that doesn't mean I'm always wrong!

Seriously! All of you need to learn to express your opinions. Feel free to say your opinions in the comments. I respect everyone's opinion. No problem. But at least speak up! Say what you feel! Speak about everything that's wrong with this world and don't dismiss others opinions just because they are young or something like that. That's wrong!

So in conclusion; Voice your opinions.

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