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Productivity is something that everyone struggles with these days. i have been watching YouTube videos for the past 4 years or so and i have come up with a few tips to help you become productive. 

1) Your time is yours

What does that mean? it means that you own your time. you have 24 hours a day like every other person in this world. Whether you choose to be productive or procrastinate is your choice. 

2) Sleep

Spending 8-9 hours everyday to sleep should not be considered a "waste of time". You cannot work without sleep. 

3) Plan

I know you have heard this a lot but, planning your day really does help. You don't need an elaborate, colorful journal for this. It is more fun that way but, you can start planning today with an empty notebook and pens or make a digital one. I use excel to plan my week and a notebook for daily to-dos. 

4) Exercise

Exercising in the morning helps get you tired by the end of the day so that you can have a proper sleep. It also makes you feel fresh and energetic in the morning. 

I don't exercise everyday. i only exercise twice a week. i just can't find a way to work it into my everyday schedule, but something is better than nothing.

5) Make it fun

Make life fun. Convince yourself that your job or the subject your studying is fun. You can do this by doing active studying using flashcards, quizzes, group studying etc. 

6) Get a morning routine

It doesn't have to elaborate. Waking up around the same time everyday, brushing your teeth, meditating, and getting to work is a morning routine too.  

My morning routine is just waking up at 8, getting ready for class, meditate for 5 mins, and join class. 

7) Make everything a routine

If you find it difficult to start studying, make a ritual that you will do everyday before you start studying. It could be something like "I'll work out for an hour and then start studying" or "I'll journal and then start studying". 

Things to not add to your ritual
a) 5 more mins of social media
b) 5 more mins of sleep (sleep is important but, don't let it take more than 9 hours of your day)
c) 5 more mins of TV

Keep your phone away if you have to. I use the Focus Plant app on my phone so that I don't get distracted while studying. You just have to set a timer and you have to study for that long. If you switch to another app while the timer is still going on, you'll lose your points. 


I think that's all the tips I have. sorry for my long absence. I just didn't have anything to write about. 

I did get published in November 2021 though. Its a poetry book and i got it self-published. I don't really have much to say about the book tbh which is why i didn't make a separate chapter for it. 

It has 205 poems that i had written in 2020-21. I'd rather not say the book title for now because I'd like to stay anonymous for a while longer. 

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