The twins freedoms

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In the underworld, Flora is now chained up in the dungeon, wearing a grey robe. Her chains blocking her powers and are set to her ankles and wrist. Her boiling cell with not even a widow, completely put in the dark with for only light the torches on the other side of the bars. Suddenly, Lucifer arrives.

'What pity do you have to come and see me?' She asks.

'Only to check if you are trying anything.' He replies.

He steps closer to the bars, kneels down to the floor.

'And good news, your sister could marry the prince after all.'

Hearing this words made her angry, she steps towards the bar, with her arms at the back as the chains are holding her.

'LIAR!!!' She cries.

'It does not matter. You are stuck here and will stay her forever.'

Lucifer stands up and walks away. Leaving her in her nightmare, loneliness.

She falls to the ground as he leaves and cries, alone in the dark. She cries in anger, she knows she lost. When she opens her eyes, she notices the drops of tears are drops of blood. Those chains are making her feel this pain in her body. She tries again to melt the metal but it only makes the metal turn to fire and she cries as her powers are getting suck out of her souls. She drops her hand in pain and is suddenly feeling lightheaded.  Flora has enough of staying stuck in this cell, she wanted her freedom more than anything. 

Only power will win.

She decides to use all of magic, to transfer all her energy to her heart. Of course, the chains are blocking it but as she kept going, the metal suddenly cracks. The noise echoes in Flora's head an she does not stop. She kept going, use all her force. The chains are cracking more and more. Suddenly, her left ankle is free, then her right wrist and the her left and her last ankle is free of the chains. All chains cracks and fall to the ground. Flora, light head, bring all the rest of her force to stand up. She looks up, with fire and rage in her eyes and disappears in the air.

It is the next morning. The sunlight hitting the windows, the fireplace still showing some amber lights but it is about to let his last breath and little birds singing on the balcony. Helen wakes up, feeling and comfortable in Taaron's arms who is still asleep. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She takes a moment to look at him and imagine how her life would be as his wife. She sees herself walking the down with a white veil sliding on the white marble floor, roses petals flying in the air and her prince, Prince Charming at the altar looking at her. She felt happy and excited. Suddenly, Taaron moves over to his side, his face facing hers. She gets closer to his face, almost touching his nose with hers. She stares at him for a couple of seconds until hje opens his eyes and caught her in the action. She immediately closes hers and pretend to sleep which makes Taaron laugh.

'Good morning your majesty.' He says.

Helen opens her eyes and looks at her prince charming.

'It's Helen for you.' She replies.

The prince smiles at kisses her on her forehead, then slowly goes to her nose and kisses her lips. She answers that kiss with her hands on his neck. He brings his hand to her neck and pull her body closer to him. They could let go of each other, as they slowly sink on the bed and let their love guide them.

The baroness is on the other side of the door but right before she knocks, she hears little laughs and giggles in the bedroom and decides to leave the new couple alone.

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