The visitors, the potion

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Suddenly, she hears steps coming from the corridor. Someone is coming. Helen stands up, wipes her tears to be presentable and the door open. Sir Nolan is standing behind the door.

'Your majesty, there are visitors who request an audience with you.'

'I wasn't aware of that.' Says Helen.

'They know as well but they said it's important.'  Answers Sir Nolan.

Helen and Sir Nolan walk then to the throne room. As they enter in, five young teenagers are standing in the middle, waiting for Helen. There are two young girls, one of them has red hair, freckles, and purple eyes. The other girl is blond, with a clean white skin and blue eyes. The three others were boys, they have black hair but one had long hair and others were short and black eyes.
Without knowing why, there are all barely dress and are completely wet. As they see Helen enter, they get all down onone knee, for respect, and had they head down. Helen walks in front of them.

'Stand up please and may I know the reason of your visits?'

The teenagers stand up and a boy step forward to speak.

'Your majesty.' Starts the boy with his low and strong voice. 'Please accept our visit with leaving you a message. I'm Eric, King of the under water.'

King of the under water, Helen has heard about it, they are mermaids. 

'Oh!' She said. 'Yes I have read stories about the Kingdom of Alispa.'

'I'm sure you did.' Answers Eric.

Helen looks at the others at the back.

'What can I do for you Eric?'

'The attack that happened, from your sister. It created an earth quake in our kingdom, we lost buildings and people have been separated from their family. One of my guards recognised your sister on ground. As he went above to see where the attack was from, he recognised a woman, wearing a black dress and had a red crown. She was floating in the air and was watching your kingdom burning.'

By hearing this very words, Helen start to feel shivers down her spine and think. A red crown? Could it be?

'I would very much for our kingdom to work together, we would be stronger to help you bring your sister down. The mermaids and human working together? It could bring advantages.'

'I understand and agree.' Answers Helen. 'Water and ice would turn the fire down if you understand what I mean.'

'We sure do your majesty.' Replies Eric.

Even if she cancel her wedding, she found new friends. Her and Eric sakes hands with a smile which closes a contract done between the two worlds.

'How could I be tricked by you?' Shouts Lucifer, trying to get his way off his chains.

'You see love...'Starts Flora.

'DON'T CALL ME LOVE!!!!' Cuts Lucifer.

He did had feelings for Flora but after seeing who she is, he regret it to have bring her down here.

'You are my slave now and if I want you to be my husband, I will make you it. So I was saying. When I was twelve, I discover the curse about Helen and I. Helen went straight to father about it but I went to the library and I find a book, a book about the underworld and the Crown of blood.' Explains Flora.

She start to walk towards Lucifer, grab his chin and bring his face near hers.

'When you came to my cell, I knew it was an opportunity but I wasn't sure as I never heard of Lucifer but only your dad.' She says while licking Lucifer's face. 'And now, I will teach a lesson to Helen.'

She starts to walk away from him.

' I'm sure you know.' Starts Lucifer. 'If the lords find out you are forcing me to marry you, they will not accept that.'

Flora turns around, take off her dress, leaving her in her underwear. Lucifer close his eyes and turn his head, but he can hear her heels taping the floor, making her way to him.

'Don't worry love, they will not see a thing.' She says.

She gets a potion out of her bra, put some in her mouth and kisses Lucifer to give the potion to him at the same time. Lucifer fighting back, calm down for a second, open his eyes. 

Hi gaze changes, from anger and disappointment to passion and desire. Flora smiles as she sees the potion has effect and undo his chains. Both of them slowly making their way to the couch. Lucifer, still enchanted by the potions, starts the action by kissing her neck and putting his hands around her waist and pulls her closer. Flora flowing in his arms, lets herself drowning in him. They slowly lay down on the couch, Flora can feel the comfortable material on her back. Lucifer slowly makes his way down on her body, to her knees. He then grabs chains that are hidden under the couch and attach one her feet to the floor, jumps on her hand and attach it to the top of the couch. Blocking her to move.

'What?' Flora asks in shock.

'I created that potion love, it doesn't work on me.' Replies Lucifer as himself.

He takes way the crown off of Flora's head.

'No, NO!!' She shouts.

She tries to melt the chains away.

'You can't get out of it, if you use your powers on this chains they will suck it all out of you.' He replies.

Lucifer takes the crown to his desk and put it back in the box. He closes it and add a lock. He then takes box a disappear in a red cloud, leaving Flora stuck on her own.

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