The help between kingdoms

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Among the houses, a little boy is running to a gate where many people are gathered. It is the board of the journal, where important news would be put tup for the people to know and today, the kingdom that one of the princess is engaged.

'It is a wonderful news your majesty, the people are cheering for your union.' Says Sir Nolan.

It is the afternoon of the same day in the throne room. Helen, sat at the throne and Taaron standing next to her have announce their engagement, for real. Every lords applauded the new couple and wish this will brought happiness to the Kingdom. As the couple leave the throne room, they make three way to Heln's office were visitors are waiting for them. As they arrive, Helen recognises Eric.

'Eric, I'm sorry for the waiting I was not aware that you would come.' Says Helen as she faces him.

'I came for help, and congratulations on your engagement.' He replies as he bows down to greet them.

They both smiles and Helen takes a seat to her desk to listen to her visitors. All of the sudden, a loud wind noise enter the room and Lucifer appears in the corner.

'Great everyone is here, shall we start?' He asks.

As soon as he spoke, Taaron jumps on his sword to take it out and Eric prepare his magic, ready to attack. 

'Relax, I'm not as an enemy.' Lucifer replies. 'I'm here to join the fight.'

Eric and Taaron first considered his offer, Helen takes over and agrees as Lucifer already make his move by giving the red crown to her. She takes out the box out of her desk and put it on top. Lucifer asks if she puts her blood yet to lock it but Helen denies it.

'Why does it has to be her blood?' Asks Taaron.

'I put a spell on that box blocking Flora to open it, the only way to open the box again will be to spill the blood of whoever locked it with their magic.'

'But because Flora and I are relative, her blood and mine will be the same.' Replies Helen.

Lucifer listens to her and recognises his mistakes.

'Let me lock it.' Says Eric.' Flora and I never met, she will never guess you used my blood.'

'It is the safest way.' Replies Taaron.

Lucifer also agrees. Helen step back as Eric makes a little cut in his palm, closing his hand and lets two drops on top of the leather. It immediately makes a Lou clicking noise which tells the others it worked. Helen gets tissue out of one of her draws to put Eric's hand while Taaron checks again that it is lock.

'Now, you must send a guard to hide it outside the kingdom and kill him.' Suggest Lucifer.

'That is out of the question!' Shouts Helen.

'It needs to be somewhere where no one, not even you knows its location!' 

'But I will not kill an innocent man!'

There is a moment of silence before Eric suggest that one of his man takes the box to another world. 

'Mermaids can swim across worlds, there would a place where she would never.' Suggest Eric.

Taaron and Helen agrees to it but Lucifer is still not happy with the final decision. Eric takes the box and makes his way to the sea.

'You must rest your majesty, she will attack tomorrow.' Says Lucifer.

'How do you know she will attack tomorrow?' Asks the prince.

'I locked her up in the dungeon but I know she got her out by using all her magic. Right now she is unwell and is recovering for tomorrow. I strongly suggest the both of you rest.' He says as he walks away. 

He the turns around to speak one last time before leaving the room.

'By the way, it did not work what you did this morning Helen. Take the potion tonight before going to bed.'

He opens the door and leaves the couple alone. Taaron, worried, ask what he was talking about.

'Remember when Flora attacked me at our first ball, she poisoned my system and Lucifer brought the cure.'

'Are you going to drink it?' He asks.

Helen makes her to the bedroom, picks up the bottle and stares at the green liquid inside. She the remembers something about testing potions for poison. She picks up a flower, new little seed that just opened in spring. She spills some of it in the dirt asme the flower would grow and glow into a beautiful rose. After that reaction, they both understood that it is a cure. Helen drinks it bottoms up. As she puts the bottle down, she feels this warmth in her filling her up, it felt comfortable to her and who knew that it worked. 

'How are you feeling?' Asks Taaron.

'Better.' She replies.

She looks on her desk and recognises the book and necklace she asked Moranica to get the other day but she got caught into something else. Flora used all her powers to free herself from the chains, so maybe she need to use all her power too work the pain this necklaces gives her. She picks up the necklace, put it around her neck and as soon as the crystal touches her skin she felt all the pain again. Taaron sees by her face it is not right that she feels this much pain. He is scared and don't know what to do. Helen focuses her powers, she relaxes her eyes and mind and focus on her soul. On her magic. On her mother. The crystal is starting to shine.

'The crystal is shining.' Says the prince.

As she opens her eyes, she can feel the crystal accepted her, she could feel all this force coming too her, feeling new, feeling powerful. With a flick of hand, multiple sword of ice appears out of fin air. 

'We told me this crystal would help me with my magic. At first it was painful because it used to belong to my mother and now that it accepted me, it is going to help me with my magic.' She says to her prince with a smile on her face. 

The prince relived, hugs her and all weapons disappears into thin air.  

The day goes by, all guards are charging their weapons, some write letters to their love ones. Helen put a message on the journal board, asking for the people to bring their families to castle. It is where all the kingdom will be, safe in the castle. 

The rain and the night makes itself appear, Helen is ready to go to bed but she is looking through her windows of her room, wet of the water and she is watching her people coming in the castle for there safety. The prince comes in, hugs her from behind and gives her a gentle kiss on the neck.

'You did the right thing bring everyone here.' The prince says.

'I hope they know they will be safe in the castle.'

There is a moment of silence, you could only her the water hitting the windows before she turns around to face her future husband.

'How can I fight her, she is my sister.'

'Lucifer said he will attack and you are only getting her in a trap.' Says the prince to comfort her. 

She looks into his eyes and he is right. She gives him a gentle kiss on his lips. By putting his hand in her hair, she brings her arms to his shoulders.  They both slowly make their way to the bed anklet themselves fall on the fluffy mattress and undress each other. 

Outside the castle is Flora, in the rain looking at the shadow of the castle. She looks at it with such hate. As a thunderstorm hits the sky, she walks away.

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