The argument

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They enter in the hall where all the Lords are waiting for them, it is so big with a dark wood on the floor, the wall and even the ceiling. There is only five windows with red curtains. A really dark and cold place. The girls look to the Lords and found Sir Nolan who was at the front but not quite happy. Helen also founds Lord Rouge at the back of the room. The Lords are sat on the side, on comfortable seat and wait for the princesses to be ready to listen the verdict.

'Good morning your majesties and welcome to the Hall of Lords,' says Sir Nolan.

He presented all the lords and arrive to the judge, Sir Oden who take a speech.

'Your majesties, it is a honour to have you as guest. And I'm sure that you will accept the verdict we made.'

Every Lords stands up. The hall was full of chairs and bench cracking as every man stands. The twins get scared as they see them rises.

'As you know, if you weren't with us your uncle would be the heir, nonetheless you are here and in good health. So to put the throne in a safe place, we decided that the princess who marries and give birth to an heir will be crown Queen.'

'What???' Ask the twins in the same time.

'If your uncle is king, there will be a war among other people, so we are not selecting between the both of you, time is choosing.'

They are all silent and the girls understand now that they have to find a man and have a child.

-My assistant will give you a list of nobles, I suggest to invite them to a ball. Thank you.

'A ball?!? Seriously!' Shouts Flora.

They are back to the castle and they both walking around the ball room, anxious.

'But think your majesties.' Starts the baroness. 'This decision is to put the throne in good place and not in your uncle's hand.'

'She is right Flora, if one of us as to be queen a ball to meet all the nobles is an idea.' Answer Helen.

'But do they know about our powers? If an accident happen! I don't want to be queen because of a man!!' Shouts Flora.

'So what are we gonna do?! If our uncle take seat on the throne, the people will die!!! Even you and I!'

Flora stop walking for a moment and look at the painting of their grandmother, she was so furious. With one gaze, the painting starting to burn in flame.

'Flora !!'

'Your majesty!!'

'She was the one who told us about that bloody curse. Only power will win. I don't want any men in my life then I'll use power!'

Helen throw ice on the paint to turn off the fire.

'You're not going to say this again! Please, we will find a solution.'


'Your majesty please...'

But when she touches Flora's arm, Flora pushes her away and Moranica fly through the room, she hits her back against the wall and falls down to the floor. 



Helen goes to the baroness,  in the corridor she see the dresser's assistant and ask her to call the guards.

'Guards, guards!!! Her majesty's under attack!'

'There is no way you're going to call them!' Shouts Flora but it was too late.

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