The underworld

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'Is this it?' Asks Flora. 'This is the underworld?'

'Welcome princess Flora.' Answer Lucifer.

The underworld looks like you enter in an oven, everything is hot and red. The entire space is dark, burning or dead. The red building are completely destroy or broken, the floor is cracked, there are no trees, no flowers or park, this is hell. Lucifer and Flora are walking through the town which is destroy and burn, nobody seems to be here. Lucifer looks at Flora which is surprise to see the underworld.

'Wait, your scar.'

He starts to put his hand on her face and cure it but she step backward. 

'No thanks, I want to keep something from the world above.' 

'A mark on your face?'

'Take it as a treason.'


'Because every body wanted from me to be the perfect princess but it was boring and it's annoying to follow rules.'

'Well, here you are free!'

'Lucifer!' Shouts an old man in the street.

The old man start to walk to join them and Lucifer present his uncle to Flora.

'Wait a minute.' He says.' I'll be right back.'

He starts to walk away of Flora and is now face to face with the old man.

'Your father! 'Starts the old man.' He promised a new life for my wife and my kid! Where are they?! I WANT TO SEE THEM!!!'

'Calm down alright here look.' Answer Lucifer.

Lucifer draw a circle in the air which open a portal, through that portal they can see a woman and a little boy in a park. They are happy and smiling, the old man, fixing the image, starts to cry and try to touch the circle to join them but the circle closed before he reach it and his smile get out of his face. 

'Are they ok?' The old man asks.


The old man start to cry and walk away from Lucifer.

'But be careful, because in 2 days you will have visitors!'

The old man stop and turns around and with anger, he starts to run to him, ready to punch him and attack but when the old man arrives face to face to Lucifer, he falls on the ground with a knife in his heart. Flora doesn't know what to do and Lucifer add.

'Now you're with them.'

Flora walk to join him and they continue their way to Satan's palace.

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