The necklace, the book

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It has been now two weeks since the attack at the ball, Helen is angry and can't focus on what to do.

'What do you think your majesty?' Asks the Captain. 

She is in the HMS Victoir with the baroness, Sir Nolan and some guards, one of the boat which has been built for battles with enough canons to destroy an entire village and the entire ship is new with new weapons. This ship is actually ready to fight against Flora in case she attacks from the sea.

'This ship seems quite strong Captain.' Answer the baroness.

While the Captain explain how the canon works, Helen started to walk away and admire the view. She's trying to remember the ballroom in fire, the prince who saved her. All those images are coming back to her, the fire, the terror the guest must have had. The pain in her stomach is still there and she hasn't seen the prince since the accident.

'Why are you running away? 'Asks Sir Nolan who followed her.

'Why are following me?' Asks Helen.

Sir Nolan admires the view as well. The blue sky without any cloud leaving to a bright sun and birds to fly away. For Helen, the blue sky reminds her of Taaron eyes.

'Do you know where the prince Taaron is, Sir Nolan?'

' I've heard that he went back to his family, why? I don't know.' Answer Sir Nolan.

She starts to walk away but Sir Nolan stop her.

'Your majesty.' Starts Sir Nolan. 'I may help you about your powers.'

Helen stops and turns to him, is he gonna say something clever for once?

'I am not going to use my powers against my sister!' Says Helen with such temper. 

Sir Nolan look around him, the Captain, the baroness and the guards are in their way to join them.

'I cannot say it here but please, come see me tonight in the library.' Requests Sir Nolan.

The library? What on hearth does he think he is going to do at night with nobody around...



'I know you Sir Nolan and I don't think that....'

'It's not about me your majesty but about your mother.' Cuts Sir Nolan. 'So please go to the library.'

'A letter for you, your majesty.'

As they come back into her new room, a servant is waiting for her with a sliver tray with a envelope on top.

Helen thanks for the servant, take the envelope and sit down to her desk. 

Her new room will remind nothing from her sister or the attack, she has her own bed,  her own little desk and a balcony leading to view on the sea.

She open it read it through :

"Dear Helen,
I do hope from the accident with your sister you are feeling better, I do not know why and how but I feel something inside of me waking up and I'm doing this for you. There is a legend about a magic wand which has trap Satan once in a cell that nobody would be able to destroy it, rumours said that after he's death, he hide the wand in the highest mountain of Scotland where a hundreds of people died by searching it. My family used to have maps of Scotland and I found it, I have the wand and will come back with it to trap your sister forever. I do not know if you will understood my words or my feelings but I wish you were with me, Scotland is beautiful as you. All my love. 
Prince Taaron"

She feels her heart beating again and again and again, he went to Scotland not for his family but for her. She fall on the ground with a smile on her face, she found the man, she found it and she was sure that it was true love. She read it again and tears start to come out, in the same time the baroness enter and run to see Helen.

'Your majesty! Are you well?'

'Yes Moranica, yes.' Answers Helen.

She goes to her bed and put the letter under her pillow. She looks at the clock on her night stand makes her way to the library.

She then arrives to the library, Sir Nolan is reading a book and hear the door closing behind Helen.

'Your majesty.' Says Sir Nolan. 'I found something which would be interesting for you I believe.'

Helen walks on the hard and rock floor, the library has a lot of cupboard, too much to count and too high to see the top, with old carpet on the walls and a chandelier on the ceiling. Each step echoes in the room. There is a long wooden table at the centre of the room, Sir Nolan stand at the end of it with books in front of him.

'You said that you have something to show me'

'Yes your majesty, please look at this.' Answer Sir Nolan.

He shows a old draw of the girl's mother, sat on the throne with an ice crown, wearing a long blue dress and all the people around her who are kneeling on the floor. She then remarks a necklace that she had seen before, a necklace with a crystal.

'Would you like to see it ?' Ask Sir Nolan.

He brought with him a black box, inside of it is the same necklace on the drawing. The necklace is so shiny silver, the crystal is little and lightly blue. Helen cannot believe about it.

'Your mother was able to control ice too, I gave her this necklace to improve her powers.'

' "Improve"? 'Ask Helen. 'Do you want from me to use power as my sister??'

'No, but do you know everything about your powers?'

There is a moment of silence before Helen denies it.

Sir Nolan takes a blue book which was next to him and give it to Helen. It has a silver snowflake draw on the cover at the centre of it.

'In that book,' explains Sir Nolan,' you'll be able to find more things than what you think your majesty.'

'Why are you doing this?' Ask Helen.

'It looks like your sister is now engaged to a demon and she can work with them anytime, you have to be prepare ma'am. And she seems to have the same side as your uncle which is bad for the people and us.'

Helen thank him for the gift, takes the necklace and the book with her and leave Sir Nolan in the library. She can now study her powers and even maybe protect her family. She walks all the way across the castle to go back to her room, sat down on her desk and start to read through the first pages. 

It explain why some people can have ice power, they are clever, kind and peaceful to show that ice is pure. Then she put the necklace on and feels as we put a chain from her heart to her head. It does not feel right, it hurts. It is burning her skin. She takes it off, put it in a red box under the bed and try forget it for a moment. She keeps reading the book, it is interesting for her, she can not only freeze thing but create things like weapons or even a castle. As the night goes by, she starts to fall asleep on the book and think just before she closes her eyes of the prince which will come in a couple of days.

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