The war between the sisters

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It is the next morning. Helen and Taaron are awake early and and ready for battle if needed. Helen dresses up with with trousers and belt to put weapons on her so it is easier and Taaron does the same. She then puts on her necklace, create a sword of ice and put to the belt. As they leave their room walk to the throne room, the Lords are already there.

'Your majesty, there has been report of some villagers getting attack during the night.'

'Not surprise to see her making her moves first, where about?' She asks.

'By the north of the kingdom ma'am, where some villagers decided to flee the kingdom.'

'Please, send troops over there and bring any survivors.'

Some men bows and leave the room.

'As my magic had improved, I believe to have the possibility to protect the castle but I would like a plan if the people in here must escape.'

There is a moment of silence until Taaron breaks it with suggestion.

'We could ask Eric to guard boats by the docks and have your people brought to Scotland by sea. I will right to family now. 'He says as he kisses her on her forehead and walks away.

Helen agrees and watch him walkout of the room.

'I will need everyone to fight along, I know some of you are scared but my mind will be at rest if I know some of you can protect the people here.' 

With a hand movement, she creates multiple swords out of ice so they have at least a weapon on them.

'I have given a double protection on the armour of each of my soldiers, we don't know who we are against. But I know if we stop Flora, we will put an end to it.'

All of the sudden, smokes appears outside the castle and people screaming. Helen heart stops as she understand is has begun. 


The Lords make their way out and Helen runs outside. She could see the guards were already fighting, but they are fighting the people.

'What are you doing?' She shouts.

'The people are under her control ! She poisoned them, they are her slaves!'

The attack up north, it was them she poisoned.

'Do not kill them, there must be way to save them!' She orders.

The guards listen and put the weapons away. 

There is suddenly a explosion in the castle, Helen runs back in to find Taaron getting attack by Flora in the corridors.

'There you are sister! What do you think? I am not sure he is your type, you should found someone else.'

'Let him go.' Helen cries as she gets her sword out.

Flora, smiling and laughing about the situation, throws Taaron to the wall and gets a sword of fire in her hand.

'How did it come to this ?' Helen asks. 'You are not my sister.'

'I am who I wanted to be for so long!!! But I was too weak to see it, and sees I embraced my powers, oh lord, admit it feeling powerful feels good.'

Helen starts the first swing, hitting her hip but Flora blocks it and swings her sword above their heads making Helen spinning and loose a little of balance.

'You can't even fight right.' Says Flora with an evil laugh.

This time, Flora swings first but Helen blocks all her attacks at her shoulder, then leg, then shoulder, then head. It makes Helen move back, she is soon against a wall which will block her. With her other hand, she pushes Flora away which makes fly across the room. Taaron stands back up, gets his sword and joins Helen at the her side. Flora comes back again, this time aiming at Taaron who blocks her attack again and cuts her thigh. She falls to the floor. Lucifer enter from behind her, holding a knife at her neck. She is done.

'It's over your majesty.' Says Lucifer. 'You are done'.

'I don't think so.' Replies Flora.

Black wings of fire appears from her back which pushes Lucifer away, she transforms into a demon herself. Her eyes and lips black, her veins in her skin turns black and her grey robe turns into dress of fire.

'I need one last thing.' She says.

She reaches out with both of her hands and smoke appears on top of both of them. In her right is the box where the red crown os and in the other is Eric's head. Helen and Taaron are in shock, they thought she would never find the crown but they were wrong. Flora through the head to Helen who started to cry because she sent an innocent man to his death where the fight was not his. Suddenly, before Flora puts on the crown, she notices something with Helen.

'You are!' She shouts. 'I poisoned you, how is this possible!!' 

She turns to Lucifer and gives a little laugh, she understand he cured Helen. 

Flora aims her power to her sister, twist her wrist and suddenly, Helen feels a pain in her.

'Oh god, what is this?' She shouts.

Flora walks slowly closer to her, making her belly grow bigger and bigger.

'She is speeding up you pregnancy!' Shouts Lucifer. 'Get her out of here!!'

Taaron picks Helen up and starts to run but Flora blocks them by burning the door. Helen freezes in a second. Flora puts on the frown and makes her way to them but Lucifer blocks her.

'You stay here with me.' He says

The couple run back to the bedroom, Helen could feel the baby moving fast. Taaron shouts for the baroness and for a doctor. Helen lay down on the bed, she could feel her back and head burning up. Drops of sweat are rolling on her head. The baroness comes in with some towel follow by some servants who arrives with water. Taaron gets close to Helen, holds her hand. The baby is coming.

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