The people to their queen

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Special attention!!!

The queen request your voice!
Tomorrow at noon in the Hall of Lords, you can talk to the queen to express your problems or other. She will then follow by answering to you!
Help your queen and she will help you.

'That is amazing Helen and a lot of people will come today.'

Two days after, the prince is reading the article in the journal.

'But I believe to be quite dangerous, you shouldn't go alone... 'Suggest the prince.

'Well, would you like to come with me?' Asks Helen.

As she asks, she then gives a gentle kiss on the neck of her boyfriend.

'Yes I'm coming to see your people and help my girlfriend.' Answers the prince.

They both look at each other which leave Helen flying in her thoughts, what kind of life can he has now? 

'In the same time Taaron, I think we should say to everyone about us.' Suggest Helen.

'The only thing that matters for me is your happiness Helen, and if you are happy, then so am I.'

They both kiss each other, leaving them to their love which brings them down to the floor. They both laugh and ignore what happens, but the baroness enter and see the scene. Helen stop and stares at Moranica with her head upside down but Taaron doesn't stop and start to kiss her on her neck. A silence appears in the room and Taaron start to think, look up and notices Moranica.

'Hum...  Good afternoon baroness!' He says as he sits up.

'Good afternoon your royal highness.' Answers the baroness. 'I wanted to be sure if you needed my help for your journey to town but by seeing your situation, but I believe that everything is fine.'

She looks at Helen with a smile before leaving the room with the couple, still on the floor.

'We should get ready to go at the hall.' Says Helen.

'Yes, you are right.' He replies.

They kissed one more time before standing up and go to the carriage.
They both walk through the red and shiny corridors and get outside of a sunny and beautiful day. Helen takes her blue cloak, an icy blue with dark flowers and diamond. Taaron has a blue jacket and a black hat. They get in the carriage which lead them into the village.

'There are a lot of people...' Says Helen scared as she squeezed the prince's hands. 

They arrive to the hall and there is a long and massive line of people, waiting their turn to get inside. As the carriage arrives, everyone turn their head to see the next queen and her prince charming, as she step a foot outside the entire village smile and shout "Long Live Queen Helen!"
Flowers are flying everywhere, Helen smiles and wave to them and get inside from the back door. When she enters in the hall, she first see the people sat on the floor jumping off the flor as the couple enters.

'She's here !' Shout a little boy in the room.

Everybody stares at Helen and Taaron, a silence appear in the hall which give the possibility for her to talk to her people.

'My dear people.' She starts.

She look at everyone in the hall which are listening, a young girl who could be their next queen.

'As you may know, this hall is important for the royal family. A lot of important moment happened on that floor which you walk on. Today is important day too, as the heir of the throne I want to make sure that my people do not have any trouble or more. Thank you to all of you who came to help me. With the prince Taaron, we will listen to what you want to say and I will do my best to give you a better life than now.'

As the people cheer and applaud, they both sat down on a big wooden chair and let the people come . Sir Nolan who was by the door for security comes near her.

'Your majesty.' He says. 'You made a good choice by coming here today, you are showing that no matter what, you'll be here for them.'

'Thank you Sir Nolan.'

Sir Nolan walks off, leaving the space for a man, a farmer. His clothes dirty and black, his skin covered of dirt and grass, his nails dark, his hair dirty and his face tired.

'Your majesty.' Starts the man. 'I need your request about the land. As you can see, I'm a farmer since I know how to walk but we are not enough to take the vegetables and fruit in time. Some are unfortunately ripped apart because of the animals, and I can no longer do it alone.'

'What is your name?' Asks Helen.

'Oh, I apologise, my name is Arthur.'

'Well Arthur, I can understand that working alone outside is hard, I'm sure some people would gladly volunteer to work by your side and help to bring food to the kingdom.'

'Thank you your majesty, thank you.'

The man get outside with a smile on his face, as he has never be happy before.
On the way, Taaron looks at the people and a lot are coughing.

'Do you have a doctor here?' Asks Taaron.

After his words, Helen doesn't know what to answer because the royal family has, but not the people. As she tries to say something, a little girl arrived in front her. A little blonde girl with blue eyes, a pure white skin and little pink lips. She had with her a little puppet of a little dog which looks like it's has been made by hand. She then gives the puppet to Helen.

'For your baby, your majesty.' She says with a shy little voice.

Helen takes the puppet, a little dog with a dark foot, brown face and a little red tongue.

'Thank you darling.' Says Helen and she kisses the little girl on her forehead. 

The little girl then start to blush, she then step forward to Taaron and stand right, head up, put her hand in her forehead as the army.

'Welcome your royal highness!'

Which make Taaron laughs, he then do the same thing and answer to her.

'Thank you!'

The little girl runs to her mother which was waiting for her and get outside. She looks at the royal family one last time before stepping outside.

At this point, Helen looks at the mother hugging the little girl and ask herself. "Is it like this to have a child?" "Am I confident enough to be mother?" "How my life will change?" "Will I be able to take care of this child?" "Is the Prince will be a good father and husband?" 

A lot of question in Helen's mind and she cannot answer it, yet.

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