The idea

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As the sun light up the room, the birds start to sing to say it's the morning. Helen wakes up and see, she fell asleep yesterday night and has to improve her power, she close the book, put it under her bed and get out of her bedroom. In the corridor, she see a man who's walking toward her, it was a tall, handsome man.


As Helen hear how words, she starts to run to the man. Taaron is back from Scotland.

'I do hope I'm not disturbing you.' Starts the prince.

But he has been cut by a kiss from Helen.

'No, you're not Taaron.'

'How are you since the ball my love?' Asks the prince with a gentle voice.

He then puts his hand on Helen's face.

'Quite good, hope you enjoy your travel in Scotland.' Answer Helen.

They both laugh to this and Taaron ask.

'You kissed me, is it official ?'

'It was a beginning, we will see what the destiny have for us.'

Taaron smile to Helen and kiss her back, as their lips are touching each other, his hand on her hips and her hands on his neck, she knows now what does it feel to be in love. Helen feels now safe and free. She found the man she will love and get married. 

'Should we wait before to tell anybody?' Ask Taaron.

'Maybe yes, if my sister has done something.' Replies Helen.

' "Well then, I will be ready" 'Answer a robotic voice of Taaron.

From the underworld, Lucifer and Flora are watching the moment from the portal.

'They seem quite happy.' Says Lucifer.

'Shut it.' Cut Flora.

' "Should I meet your family before to announce it to everyone? " 'Says a robotic voice of Helen. 

'I do not  think it is a good idea to watch them.' Says Flora.

'Watch. 'He cuts.

' "We have time and trust me you don't want to meet my family before the marriage" 'Answer Taaron.

' "Correction, we have time for the marriage" 'Replies Helen.

'Now you have to get your man your majesty.' Says Lucifer. 'Because she found one! You will not have much time longer!'

'I know!!'

Flora start to walk away of the portal to grab a black chandelier and throw it to the ground which exploses as the portal closes. The castle of the underworld is red and dark, the entire living room has red rock with red and dark furniture and red a lighting. Only the fire place brings out amber colours with the flame.

'Should we take a seat and talk?' Asks Lucifer.

Flora first walk around with heavy footsteps  then take a seat in front of the fire place on a black couch.

'So, what can we do now?' Ask Flora.

'You do not have to love me, the only thing I want is to be king and you to be queen.'

'What about your father?'

'He died long time ago but people believe that he is still alive.'

Flora thinks what Lucifer said, if she join the underworld, it would be a nightmare but also the union of the true and death world.

'We can say that we get married and if you want, we will try to steal a baby from someone else and say it's ours, if you do not want to...'

'Yes, it's an idea.' Cut Flora.

'Ok, now.'

Lucifer takes Flora to stand her up, put his hand her neck, get his face closer to her but she says.

'What are you doing?'

'If we are to create a fake marriage we should be comfortable kissing each other, don't you think?'

She then starts to get closer of his face, Lucifer put his hand in her hair and kiss her red lips. Flora doesn't stand backwards, she now understands the feeling that Helen felt. They both move their head back, she looks at him, his black eyes reflect the fireplace and now see the man who really is Lucifer.

'What are we going say to your people?' Ask Flora.

'OUR people. Just call them in assembly and announce the news.'

'Your sister is engaged to the worse man that earth can have your majesty, what do we do? You already met the prince Taaron, 'explains Sir Nolan with the letter of their engagement in his hand.

They are in the the king's office which is now Helen's office, the dark wooden floor and furniture in stone, blue walls with cupboards and books about the story of the entire family and the country. There are some old weapons hanging on the wall as decoration and the head of a lion above the fireplace made out of marble.

'I know but I do not  want to be married to a man and then be with child and leave that man because of the crown,' explains Helen.

'From what I know your majesty, the prince is interested to you and he is a clever, kind and an awesome man ma'am, I do not think you will find another man like him.' Says Sir Nolan.

Helen walks to the window where she can see the houses, she wanted to be happy and see her people happy too. The prince Taaron is kind and wise, then an idea come in Helen's mind.

'The people are the one who can do a revolution if the king or queen is not good enough, isn't it? Like what happen in France in 1789?' Ask Helen. 'I agree to marry the prince but please, I would like to do something for them.' She says by looking at the houses.' To show them I am good.'

Sir Nolan thinks about that idea and Helen is quite right, in 1789 the French people did a revolution against their king and cut his head 3 years after, the people's voices need to be heard by their queen.

'I suggest that you write something about it in the journal ma'am.' Suggest Sir Nolan.

After that Sir Nolan gave her the book last night, she trusted him and asked any questions if she needed advice.

'You may call the journal.'

Sir Nolan leaves the room, leaving Helen on her own but a knock on the door make itself heard.

'May I?'

The prince Taaron arrives after Sir Nolan leaves the room to be alone with her, as a couple.

'Of course, how long have you waited?' She asks with smile as she walks to him.

'A couple of minutes but it is alright.'

Without hesitation, he takes Helen's neck in his hand, bring his face closer to hers and kiss her on the lips. Helen does the same, put her hands around his back. Nobody is around and she wanted to feel the true love. Can she actually believe she find her perfect man in a couple of hours? And is he feeling something real ? Or does he do this for the crown?

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