Lucifer and Helen

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After meeting Eric, Helen makes her way to bed. At the door is Taaron, who was waiting for her the whole afternoon. After she caught him in his lie, she is mad at him and do not want to see him. 

'Helen, please let me explain yourself.' He starts.

'It's your majesty.' She cuts and walk passes him.

The doors open to her room and Taaron follows.

'Please, I must apologies to you. Yes I tricked you but then I met the most amazing, kind and passionate women. I met you and I did not wanted to go through with my father.'

Taaron starts to apologise but Helen ignores him and walk in her room to call the dresser. 

'I do not need your excuses, I need to get out of this dress I need to breath !' 

'Right, I will leave you alone but my love for you was real.' Says the prince.

Helen stop walking around. His love was real?

'If your love was real, you would have told me the truth.'

There is a moment of silence, Taaron realises his mistakes. 

'If I told you the truth before, would you have forgiven me?'

Helen thinks about her answer. She was in love with him and him telling the truth would prove the trust and respect they had for each other.

'Yes.' She answers. 'I would have forgiven you.'

She takes on her dresser facing ss little gold mirror where she can see her reflection. She notices Taaron is coming behind her.

'Please, I'm sorry. My father forced me to.'

'Because of my powers I know, what I hate is that you did not tell me!'

'I wanted to, truly! But you were so happy and charming. I did not wanted to ruin it with the truth.'

'Well the truth may hurt but it is the right thing.'

Helen looks at his reflection in the mirror. They stare at each other in the mirror for a moment. Suddenly, the dresser comes in. They both jump as she closes the door behind her. 

'Your majesty, you call for me?'

'Yes, I need to get out of this.' Answers Helen. 'Taaron please.'

Taaron kisses her hand before leaving the room. The dresser starts to undress Helen for her to get change into hr night gown.

It became a very long day or her, between the attack, Taaron and the mermaids. Helen wanted to rest. Suddenly, an idea comes to her and ask or the dresser to prepare a hot bath. The dresser accept and makes her way to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, a bronze bathtub is full of water with a white sheet under water for Helen to be comfortable. Next to it is a little wooden bench with bottles made out of glass with some perfume, flower and soap.  Helen arrives, undress herself and dives in. The steam of the water hitting her face.

As she lays down in the bathtub, the silence is surrounding her. You would only the noise of the water swimming in the bathtub.  Helen fixes the wall opposite of her at first, then they widow by her side. She then decides to dive in the water fully. She takes a deep breath, pinches her nose and slowly sinks in the steaming water. She feels the warmth on her skin, she can feel her hair swimming in the water and let all her stress away. As she comes back out, she notices someone is by the window, Lucifer. 

When she makes eye contact withy him, she jumps on the white sheet to cover herself up, making the water spill out of the bathtub.

'Relax your majesty.' He replies. 'I did not wanted to disturb you but it is urgent.'

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