The final breath

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'Your majesty, I need you to push.' Says the doctor.

The baroness found the royal doctor a couple of minutes later. Helen in a white robe, sweating and pain pushes with all her strength. Taaron by her side, holds her hand. Helen releases and panics more.

'I need you to push again, harder ma'am.'

Helen takes a deep breath, she pushes and shouts in pain.

In the corridor where Lucifer and Flora were left, the both of them kept on fighting. It is now in ruin, every is destroyed. It can barely hold up.

'I can't believe you took her side!' Shout Flora. 

'And I can't believe you tried to kill your only family!'

'You can talk, you did the same thing with your father!'


Lucifer throws fire balls to her which she catches back but he disappeared. She turns around and see shim above her, trying to take the crown away. She pushes up, with the pressure of the fire, Lucifer is stuck to the ceiling. Suddenly, Helen's screams echoes in the corridor. Flora frees Lucifer and let him drop to the dust on the ground.

'Why did you speed her pregnancy?' Asks Lucifer as he stands up.

'She is vulnerable now and weak, the perfect moment for me to take her and her baby down.'

Helen in sweat, tears and blood, let herself drop on the pillows.

'You are doing great ma'am, I need a big push this time.'

She looks the doctor scared, her eyes full of tears.

'Look at me, looks at me.' Says Taaron. 'You are safe, I will never let your sister hurt our baby.'

Helen tries to focus, takes a deep breath and push again. This time, her powers are involved and the room slowly turns to blue. 

'My powers! No!' She cries as she releases.

'We are almost there your majesty, one big one now.'

Helen breaths and again, and again. The baroness starts to burn some candles. 

'I can't, it hurts.'

Lucifer is thrown to the wall, again as you could by his scars and cuts on his body. They are holding are tough fight but Flora seems to be winning. She walks to him, takes him by the neck and pull him up in the air.

'Your time is over.' She says.

And throw him one more time across the room. And as he hits the ground again, he is unconscious. Another scream echoes, Helen is in much pain. Flora laughs as she makes her way to the bedroom.

'Arrgh!' Helen shouts.

'One last time ma'am. Push!!'

Helen focus again and use all her strength to push one last time. She let herself drop on the pillow and the silence fills the room, until the silence is broken by a baby crying his first tears. The baroness stand next to the doctor and wrap the little prince in a warm towel. 

'It's a boy, your majesty.' Says the doctor as he washes his hands.

The baroness hands the baby over to Taaron. He is smiling while holding his son Helen could see his eyes full of water. Taaron seats next to Helen and gives the baby to her.

'Oh, hey little one.' She says with tears in her eyes. 

The baby slowly opens his blue eyes and look to his mother. His cries stop and start to giggles which makes everyone laugh. Helen gives her kiss to the little prince and gives it back to Taaron. Helen gets out of the bed.

'Your majesty?' Says the baroness.

'Helen, you should stay in bed for a moment.' Says Taaron.

There is a moment of silence, Helen doesn't want her son here, with her.

'Everyone leave. Now.' She answers.

They are just shock and stand still for a moment. Helen stands up and face them with tears rolling down her cheeks.

'Taaron, run to Scotland. You will be safe there with your family. Moranica go with them, teach him all the things you taught me as a child.'

'Helen what are you doing?' 

Suddenly, an explosion echoes in the castle.

Helen brings her hands together, putting them on her necklace and bring them up. All of the sudden, a crystal similar to Helen's is created. She gives it to Taaron, telling him this crystal will help their son if he has powers like her mother.

' I'm going to stop her, she is not my sister anymore. I want to protect everyone.' 

She looks at Taaron one last time, they kiss one last time. The baroness opens a secret door and everyone starts to make their way in, Moranica looks at Helen with tears in her eyes before closing the door behind her, leaving Helen on her own. As the door closes, Helen fall to the floor in pain, shouting and crying.  All of the sudden, the doors fly open letting the entrance to Flora.

'Well, I'm glad you went through the pain and I didn't. So. Where is my nephew? Or my niece?' 

'Go to hell.'

Helen stands up, ready to fight. 

This time, there was no weapon. Their magic is now powerful enough to kill each other. Flora throws the first fist and tries to burn her sheet, Helen freezes her hands and hits her in with a storm where little bit of ice is cutting her face. Flora throw a fire ball at her, getting caught in her hair. They throw hell on each other, destroying the room little by little. Helen would freezes her magic, and again. Flora would burn her alive, and again. Each attack would kill the other, Helen is already tired with birth and Flora had a tough fight against Lucifer. They both lay on the floor, out of breath. As the stand up they look at each other one last time, they both reach their hand out, put all their energy and magic into one last blow. A blue light comes out of Helen's hands and run towards Flora, on the side a red light comes out of Flora's and and runs towards Helen. But halfway, those lights hit each other. Both of girls are struggling to keep up, to focus on the magic and not on the pain. But they are too strong for each other, their powers are taking control. The lights fuses into one, turns into a white light blinding the girls and explode to the girl's face. Making fly across the room and dropping them to the ground. 

Suddenly, the silence fills up the castle. Foot steps appears, Lucifer enters not in the good shape and found the girls on the floor. None of them are moving. He goes to Flora's body, takes crown off of her head but as he moves the crown, he notices her body is slowly turning to ashes and drops to the ground like a pile of dust. He looks straight to Helen to sees that she is turning to ice. He runs to her but before he could do anything, the ice cracks and her body falls into pieces. Lucifer shock, don't know what to do. He stands up, looks at what they have become and runs away. 

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