after party

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as you arrive at the next venue to your surprise you and Bucky are first ones there.

he helps you off the bike and you both wait for the rest. you start trembling and bucky without any hesitation takes off his blazer and puts it on you here you go doll. you thank him and then ask him are you mad at me. a little doll. but why i didn't do anything. why didn't you ask me to go with you on the bike the first time. omg really barnes first of all steve was already sitting on it and to be honest steve is like a brother to me so that is something that would never happen so stop being a drama queen and take you anger out on sam or something. bucky turns you around with his metal arm and says i'm sorry doll it's just i really like you and the last thing i want is for you to be with anybody else. you smile while looking in to his hungry eyes and to bucky surprise you give him a kiss on his lips and say i like it when my man is jealous.

you sit in the vip lounge with the rest of the avengers when you feel something on your head you look up and scream while jumping on to yelena her lap. SHIT PETER you had to scare me like that. Language young lady. sorry loser peter says while coming down o by the way happy birthday. thanks disappointment you say while giving peter a hug you see aunt may a give her a hug to. happy birthday sweetheart. peter hands you a gift and you open it.
(peter his gift)
it's a glow in the dark neon game controller cuz you two game a lot together.

you get up to go the the bar to get your self a drink as you order your martini with extra olives you smell a strong Cologne of a man. you look to your right and see tall man sitting next to you with long black hair and and all black suit and rings around his finger. he looks like a god never ever in your life you have seen a man dress that well as the man sitting besides you. you grab a chair next to him cuz you are not leaving yet. as you sit down the bartender gives you your drink but it's the wrong one. you say umm excuse me but i ordered a martini. no you didn't ma'am you ordered a scotch. excuse me sir but i think i know what i ordered so if you would be so kind and get me what i ordered thank you, you say with a powerful tone in your voice. as the bartender was about to start a argument with you. the man beside you says the lady ordered a martini so if you don't get her, her martini i will stab you and trust me i will. the bartender takes the glass and rushes to get the your martini.

you look at he man and say thank you for that very kind. he looks at you and says for a gorgeous powerful woman like you a man would be a foul to start a argument or even dare to speak back. you smile and are surprised by this man he is not the type of guy you meet everyday. are you a god you ask. he replies with yes they know me as the god of mischief. your eyes turn big you realise this is thor's brother loki. your loki you say. yes that's correct darling how did you know that. thor told me about you yesterday at dinner i wasn't aloud to meet you. why not. cuz they say you are dangerous. loki laughs then you must be y/n stark. correct let me guess you were not aloud to meet me. that's right darling loki says while taking the hair out of you face and putting it behind you ear. you start to blush without realising it. your drink ma'am. ABOUT DAMM TIME NOW GET OUT OF HERE YOU mewling quim.

umm guys where is my child it's been a decade tony says while looking around him. SON OF A BITCH. everyone looks at tony. what is it pepper asks tony. guess who decided to crash the party tony points at you and loki. he is like maleficent you don't give him a invitation and he will come on his own. thor it's your brother you get him out of here and while you are there take my daughter with you. thor Laughs. what's so funny. classic loki. not funny go get her. oké fine stark thor picks up Jonathan and walks your way.

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