you are me

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so you are me and i am you. you bang you head against the wall cuz that is the only thing he has said the past hour. SHIT. you turn around and see loki with his knife and blood in running down his arm. you idiot why do you do that. i waned to try something come here darling. you walk up to him what do you want. heal me again i wanne know what happens without someone interrupting us. as you wish my prince. you put your hand on his arm. did you just call me. shut up laufyson trying to focus. your eyes turn green and in less then second his eyes turn green to. you both look at each other and you both start to float. you look at loki and see 3 snakes appear out of his back. you feel the same happening to but instead of it coming out of your back it's leaving your body.

you feel your power leaving your body and your eyes are slowly loosing it's power then you fall down on the floor fully drained of your power. loki looks at you and realises why wanda stopped him he takes you in his arms and screams for the guards.

this is why  i stopped her loki. i know i know. well clearly you don't cuz she is knocked out in the bed one sec away from dying. ENOUGH both of you. screaming at each other is not gonne bring her back now is it. wanda and loki both look at steve and sit down.

now how did this happen. she healed me like i said a thousand times captain. and then what. then she was on the ground. wauw brother this all makes so much sense. WELL ITS ALL I REMEMBER BROTHER. calm down shakespeare. oké so she heald you right loki. yes. why don't you just do the same maybe she will get her powers back. you think stark. the least you can do is try.

loki cuts into your skin with his dagger. then he puts his hand on your arm and his eyes turn green but nothing happens. try again. still nothing happens. try again. romanoff it's not working are you blind. loki i swear to. yelena grabs nat to take her out of the room before she snaps. everyone is clueless and thor offers to get a drink so they all leave

then after a few minutes you open your eyes and see loki sitting by your bed. what happened. loki tells you everything. you look at him and say i knew this would happen i just wanted to be sure if dr cho told the truth. so you would on purpose lose your powers just the prove a point darling. well i'm not mad loki cuz you are the only one is trust with my powers you stare at him and you can feel his breath on your lips.

darling why did you call me my prince. well cuz you are silly you kiss him on the lips and he kisses you back. then while you are kissing him you feel a little wave of your powers floating into you. you pull away and look at him with a smile

His Princess | part 1Where stories live. Discover now