Chapter 14

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Authors note:
Hey guys, what's up? In case you're wondering this is a scene from DoB, S2E4. Anyways I just thought these two faces are adorable - especially Toothless.

Anyways enjoy the chap.


It's been around a week since I've come back with Flame and Amber and Flame has told me he can become a dragon. Right now, we're all up in the air.

Me with Toothless.

Astrid with StormFly.

FishLegs with MeatLug.

Snotlout with Hookfang.

Ruff and Tuff with Barf and Belch.

Sapphire with Procella.

Engvald with Lighter.

Violet with Shadow.

Blake with Chaos.

Aaron with his dragon, Aqua.

Annie with her dragon,

Amber with Shadow (Flame in dragon form) (a/n: kidnapped_freak I'm not sure if you want to turn into a dragon since your character is siblings with Flame who can, so for now it can be like this.)

Sumira and her dragon, Erycinea.

Then Hope with her dragon, Star. (a/n: I hope you like that name, IJustDontCare.)

Since there were quite a few of us in the sky we were spread apart, I'm guessing blotting out the sun for the village.

"So since its been sort of peaceful for Berk and the village is back in order, sort of. We are going to be training our dragons. 1st exercise will be a trust exercise." I explained.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, you're going to have to be more clear." Snotlout said.

"Just let me demonstrate." I said unhooking my leg from Toothless saddle. Then I let my self fall down towards the ocean. Toothless came below me, we pulled up a few feet from the water and then we came back to the others.

"That's it?! Please I can do that." Snotlout said.

"Give it a shot then." Astrid said.

"I will!" Snotlout said and he sat there. We just stared at him until finally I spoke up.

"Um, Snotlout." I said and he got the idea.

"Oh, right." and then he fell sideways off Hookfang who didn't seem to notice Snotlout falling down.

""Hookfang, aren't you going to get your rider?"" Toothless asked.

""Oh, oops."" and Hookfang followed Snotlout and got him just before he hit the ocean. He leveled with me and Snotlout was as pale as a sheet.

"Maybe you should take a break," I said. He looked like he was going to wet himself.

"I think I will." and they flew off.


• • • •

"So the food stock is good?" My father asked Annie and I.

"Yep," Annie nodded.

"Good." He nodded. I looked around and then saw Astrid walking through the town plaza.

"I'll see you later," I said to them both before running towards Astrid.

"Astrid! Hey. I wanted to ask you something." I said as I approached her.

"I'm listening." She responded.

"Well with being busy rebuilding the village and training the dragons, we haven't been able to spend any time together so I was wondering if later we could just spend time.... just you and me?" I said.

"I'd love to." Astrid said. "I gotta go pick up my axe from Gobber."

After she walked away, I turned around and was face to face with my mom who had a knowing smile.

"Don't." I said not interested with having this conversation with my mom.

"Whatever you say," she said but I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"Hiccup!" I heard Snotlout yell behind me.

"Yes Snotlout?" I asked once he approached me, he seemed out of breath.

"Hold...on." He said putting his hands on his knees with his chest heaving. "Okay, I've got my breath back. Follow me, I've found something. or someone."


"Not sure, come on." He said.

""Come on Toothless."" I said and we followed Snotlout to Hookfang, then we followed them to the far side of the island. We landed on the beach and there washed up was a person, or a girl.

"Go get the others, I'll see who she is." Snotlout nodded and was off on Hookfang.

I, on the other hand flipped her over to her back and pulled her up shore and leaned her against a rock. I nudged her lightly. For a second she didn't seem to respond but then her eyes opened, they were hazel.then she saw me and screamed.

"It's alright." I say quickly. "I won't hurt you."

"Do you have any water?" She asked hoarsely.

"Yeah." I took a canteen out of Toothless's saddle bag and gave it to her.

""Be careful Hiccup, she's giving me a bad vibe."" Toothless said. I glanced at him so he knew I heard what he said.

"What's your name?" I asked after she gave me her canteen back.

"Alex." She answered.

"I'm Hiccup." I said and helped her up. she smiled.

"Thanks." she smiled. That's when I saw her necklace, it reminded me of the necklace Selena used to wear.

No, she's dead.

"I'm Snotlout." I heard behind me. There beside him stood, Fishlegs, the twins and Astrid.

"We're Ruff and Tuff," said Ruffnut.

"Hey, I wanted to say our names!" Tuff said punching Ruff.

"Anyways," Fishlegs said ignoring the twins bickering. "I'm Fishlegs."

"And I'm Astrid."

I looked at Fishlegs, Snotlout and Tuff and then back to Alex. They were staring at her with what you could call "in love" eyes. I looked to Astrid who seemed to be confused but then I looked between the others once more and she got the message.

Nervously I glanced at the amulet. It was glowing a brighter purple. I swallowed looking to Tuff, Lout and Legs. Their eyes were paler.

Me and Astrid locked gazes, I knew she wanted an explanation.

"So who will give her a ride back?" Ruff asked.

"I will." responded Lout, Legs and Tuff at the same time.

"No, I will!" They began to shout at each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex smirk.

Authors note: I don't have much to say but I think you all have a guess to where I'm going with this.

Good, bad?

Byeeeeee :)


The runaway [HTTYD Fan-fiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz