Chapter 18: Journey to the Bog-Burglars Part 1

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Authors note:
Hey Dragon Riders! This note won't be too long... Just saying hello and you guys should totally watch the trailer for RTTE... I have been fangirling majorly lately and cannot wait for June to come, I really want these episodes.
Anyways, to the story. It will still be in 3rd person.

*One week later*

It was early in the morning and Hiccup and Toothless were enjoying a morning flight. Since Berk has gone for more than a week with out any sign of Alex and have peace on the whole witch situation. . .for now, they decided to take some time for them selves.

The sun was just peeking over the east horizon, making Berk just block out the light.

""So where are we going Hiccup?"" Toothless asked Hiccup who was just laying backwards on the saddle, letting the icy wind brush against his face.

Toothless loved flying - but not when there's a destination. Especially when they have to leave early to get to this some where.

""To find trader Johanns ship."" Hiccup answered.

""And why exactly are we going to find him? You know he loves to tell us stories every time he sees us."" Toothless complained.

""I know his stories are, well, not that interesting but I hear he has a metal even better than Gronckle Iron and,"" Hiccup continued, ""he still owes me Squid Ink.""

""Fine, but if I have to hear one more word about him wrestling that squid, I will not hesitate to put a hole in his ship,""

""Toothless,"" Hiccup said slowly.

""Alright, alright,"" Toothless said. ""But I am sure you don't enjoy those stories either.""

""You are right about that Toothless,"" Hiccup said.

As they flew further and further away Hiccup glanced back at the silhouette of Berk. No matter how many times he sees it from above, he will still marvel at the beauty.

He's been on hundreds - no, thousands of flights with Toothless and every time he is up in the air, he gets that same feeling he did on his first flight with Toothless , the feeling of freedom, as if he's up in the air for the first time.

""Alright let's just get to him."" Toothless sighed once the sun started to light up the sky in a pink blue behind the white clouds, not that there were many of them. ""So where is he supposed to be now?""

The trader had given Hiccup a map and a schedule of where and when he'll be incase Hiccup needs to find him for supplies or anything else he needs. Hiccup pulled a paper from the saddle bag and looked at the map on it.

""He's in the southern archipelago right now,"" Hiccup said.

""But that's a days flight, are you sure your father won't get worried?""

""I left him a note telling him I'm getting some things from trader Johann and I'll be back before sunrise tomorrow."" Hiccup responded.


Hiccup had woken up around 5 and gathered supplies (like food and water), left a note and had left at 5:30, about a half an hour before his father woke up.

When Stoick woke up, he left his wife to sleep in and decided to see if Hiccup was awake. Hiccup had been asking Stoick to wake him up at the same time as his father so he could get more done in the day with helping around the village and training with the dragons and also doing a quick search around the island for possible signs of Alex.

So he was surprised to see Hiccup's bed empty, made, with Toothless also gone. He snatched up the paper that was sitting on Hiccup's pillow.
It read:

The runaway [HTTYD Fan-fiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin