Chapter 8: Pick a dragon

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Authors note::

Double update too...
I don't have much really to say only one question for you guys to consider:
Do you want your characters to speak/understand Dragonese?


We walk into the clearing and see dragons in small caves and laying across rocks and some just laying on the ground. They see me first and faintly growl getting into a defensive stance.

"I won't hurt you." I spoke to them in dragonese.

One dragon, a monstrous nightmare, came forward.

"How can you speak the dragon tongue?" He hissed.

"I am the 'dragon Conquerer' although I prefer to be referred to as 'the dragon whisperer' or the person who United the two worlds." I spoke kneeling on one knee to show him respect.

"What is he doing?" I heard Fishlegs ask behind me.

"He's talking to the dragon." My father answered.

"Oh, my apologies, Dragon whisperer." The monstrous nightmare said with a bow of his own.

"Please just call me Hiccup. There's no need to bow." I said standing up. "What's your name?"

"I'm Hookfang." (a/n:: that's snotlouts dragon right?? I'm pretty sure so I'm gonna go with that.) He said walking towards me.

"Um, Hiccup? What exactly is going on?" Astrid asked.

"Can they understand us?" Hookfang asked gesturing towards everyone behind me. I shook my head.

"Hiccup?" Astrid repeated.

"I'm talking to the leader here. He's fine with us." I explained.

"I'll tolerate you." Hookfang intervened. I rolled my eyes.

"Snotlout, meet your dragon. Hookfang." I said after I told Snotlout to come over.

"Uh, hi, Hookfang." Snotlout said to Hookfang.

"I'll teach you how to communicate with your dragon soon." I said to Snotlout. "Hookfang, I apologize in advance for anything he will do. He can be rude at times and can be a little slow, but he means well." I said to Hookfang in dragonese. Hookfang nodded to tell me he understood.

"Astrid, why don't we see which dragon would be great for you." I said as Astrid walked up.

"Hello, Hiccup. I am Stormfly." said a deadly nadder walking up to us, she was full grown. "I like her, can she be my rider?"

"Sure." I said to Stormfly. Astrid looked at me confused because she was unaware of the situation.

"Astrid this is Stormfly. She will be your dragon." I said. Then Sparrow Blue perked up.

"Who is this little one?" Stormfly asked me.

"This is Sparrow Blue. She's an orphan." I explained sadly.

"Poor child, come here Sparrow Blue." Stormfly said soothingly to Sparrow blue. Sparrow blue flapped over and onto Stormflys back and laid down.

"Aww," Astrid said putting her hand over her heart. It was a heart warming moment. Astrid ran over to Stormfly and they started socializing, we'll sort of. I'll teach her to speak Dragonese later.

Basically this is what everyone got for a dragon (a/n:: I'm too lazy to describe the other characters meeting their dragons. Lol)

Fishlegs got a gronkle named Meatlug and they got along great at the start.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut got a zippleback that has two heads, named Barf and Belch. They do agree on one thing: playing with fire.

Dad got a (a/n:: my brain is quitting on me, I can't remember the type of dragon Stoick has in the 2nd movie) named Skull crusher.

Sapphire got a Thunderdrum named Procella, I could tell they'll be an interesting duo here on Berk. She was a navy blue with a light blue on the stomach. (a/n:: I got that right, DaughterOfChaos13?)

Violet gotta deadly nadder named Shadow and I could tell Shadow wasn't a very trusty dragon but she was already well bonded to Violet. She was a beautiful blue, purple and white.

Another survivor, named Engvald got a dragon that's a mix between a Thunderdrum and a skrill, I've never seen one before but it's a truly beautiful start of a cross-breed. (a/n:: There you go, weirddude13, I hope that's a good way to add you in)

"These dragons are amazing. " Astrid said petting Stormfly and Sparrow Blue.

"They can help us rebuild what we've lost." My dad said. I nodded in agreement.

"This is a start of a new life!" Smiled Sapphire. I could tell she's been wanting peace between the dragons, like I have. (a/n:: I hope it's alright is Sapphire is like that, it could give her more of a friendship bond between her and Hiccup and help them be best friends.)

So there they are with the dragons. I hope you all are okay with the way I described you with your dragons :)

Comment if you'd like to have your characters understand/speak Dragonese or not. I will have a lot of the a/n things to make sure things are okay with the characters that you guys are.

Remember, you are always free to put in a viking name and a dragon type/ name and all that, I will put the character in the story as soon as I can.

OH, today my little sister did the cutest thing while I was writing the chap. We (mainly her) were watching frozen and I absentmindedly sang alone with the songs and she tried to also, it was so FREAKING adorable!

So, on another note, I will start another fan-fiction if you want to check it out. It's another HTTYD fan fic, it was something I started imagining while I was thinking of what to write exactly for this chapter. It's basically what it might be like if you could transport your self from this world to the HTTYD world while trying to cover your tracks and maintaining "high school drama" and all that, but I will work on this one too, so don't worry I'm not abandoning you guy's or anything.

I really appreciate your support :) Later my dragons.

P.s. Should I call you dragons or vikings?

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